On the way to a more accessible ADC landscape, ARCH-E has launched a survey to learn more about the obstacles architectural offices face when participating in international ADCs and how to lower existing access barriers. The ARCH-E Architect’s Needs Survey aims to bring together professionals such as European architects and ADC experts to analyse, evaluate, and reshape ADCs with their valuable feedback.
ARCH-E’s main objective is to promote high-quality architectural solutions for the built environment by increasing the use of Architectural Design Competitions (ADC) in Europe and by helping architects overcome cross-border barriers, especially for small and/or female-led practices.
Why participate in the ARCH-E survey?
Let us know if and what kind of transnational ADCs you are interested in
Share your needs, experiences and insights concerning your participation in ADCs
Let us know how the ARCH-E project and we, as European and national professional organizations for architects can support your further professional development
The survey will take only 12 minutes to share your experiences, insights and thoughts and help us advocate for a competition culture focused on fair access and quality-oriented decision processes.
Please take part in the online survey until 21 October. Your data will only be used anonymously for statistical purposes.