The European Platform for Architectural Design Competitions
ARCH-E’s main objective is to promote high-quality architectural solutions for the built environment by increasing the use of Architectural Design Competitions (ADC) in Europe and by helping architects overcome cross-border barriers, especially for small and/or female-led practices. The amount of cross-border participation in ADCs is critically low. ARCH-E aims to create a more accessible ADC landscape that incorporates the core principles of New European Bauhaus, the Davos Declaration and Baukultur as defined by ACE.
ARCH-E’s consortium, reaching over 560,000 architects, is pursuing these goals through the means of research, practical support and political advocating. This website provides reports and other research results, online tools like the ARCH-E network, a ADC specific glossary, an ADC map and a SWOT analysis tool.
ARCH-E is a project co-funded by the European Union under the Creative Europe framework (CREA).
17.02.2025 | online
The ARCH-E Map on ADCs gives an extensive overview of ADC systems in Europe. Country profiles provide statistical data, information on the regulatory frameworks and on current trends regarding ADC procedures. A second chapter combines recommendations by 46 international experts and a comparative analysis of the examined ADC systems. A collection of good practices in ADC procedures provides examples from 10 countries.
The ARCH-E Survey
17.09.2024 | Europe
On the way to a more accessible ADC landscape, ARCH-E has launched a survey to learn more about the obstacles architectural offices face when participating in international ADCs and how to lower existing access barriers. The ARCH-E survey aims to collect valuable feedback from professionals such as European architects and ADC experts to analyse, evaluate, and reshape ADCs.
The ARCH-E Network
16.09.2024 | Europe
The ARCH-E Network connects professionals in architecture all over Europe and beyond to discuss and analyse ADCs and moreover to form transnational teams and working groups to participate and cooperate in architectural design competitions.
The ARCH-E Glossary
16.09.2024 | Europe
The ARCH-E Glossary brings together 11 country specific perspectives on architectural competition procedures in Europe. A total of 190 terms explains the regional characteristics of this linguistic landscape of competition culture. Because the language mutations are not mere translations, but original descriptions of the local practice in the subject areas, the terms can be compared and examined for similarities and differences in an according function. This compendium currently contains around 1,000 definitions.
The ARCH-E SWOT analysis tool
16.09.2024 | Europe
This tool lets you evaluate an architectural design competition (ADC) from the perspectives of architects or clients. The evaluation system takes into account the Architects' Council of Europe's 9 rules for ADCs as well as principles the ARCH-E consortium has defined essential for fair and transparent ADC procedures.
The ARCH-E ADC map
16.09.2024 | Europe
The ARCH-E ADC map gives directions to architects and other experts in the field of architecture where to find procurement platforms, information on national regulations, chambers representing architects and other helpful resources supporting to orient in the international architectural design competition (ADC) landscape.
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ARCH-E Network
Get involved... and become part of the ARCH-E Network:The ARCH-E Network connects professionals all over Europe and abroad to discuss and analyse ADCs and moreover to form transnational teams and working groups to participate in ADCs.
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