Chambers, professional associations, representations
Institutions / Organisations







ARGEWO - Nikolaus Hellmayr Architektur
Contact: Nikolaus Hellmayr
Expertise: ADC organisation, ADC consultant

AECO Space Global Job and Events Platform
Contact: Deyan Evlogiev, Creator of AECO Space
Expertise: AECO Space Global Job and Events Platform for architects, interior designers and civil engineers

Architektenkammer Baden-Württenberg
Contact: Referent für Vergabe und Wettbewerb Thomas Treitz
Expertise: legal expert -
Architekten- und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen
Contact: Stv. Hauptgeschäftsführerin, Geschäftsführerin Architektur, Wirtschaft, Bauwesen Gertrudis Peters
Expertise: ADC expert, architect and director of state chamber -
Bayerische Architektenkammer
Contact: Referentin für Vergabe und Wettbewerb Beatrix Walter
Expertise: ADC expert -
Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Architektin BDA DWB VFA (h.c.) Barbara Ettinger-Brinckmann
Expertise: jury member, ADC organizer -
Interessengemeinschaft Angestellter Architekten
Contact: Claus Klein
Expertise: public sector; contest awarding body

Chamber of Hungarian Architects / Hungarian delegate at ACE
Contact: Bordás András
Expertise: ADC consultant / applicant -
Chamber of Hungarian Architects / Member of the Board
Contact: Bachmann Bálint dr.
Expertise: ADC jury member / applicant -
Chamber of Hungarian Architects / Member of the Board
Contact: Makovényi Ferenc dr
Expertise: ADC consutant / jury member


neubig hubacher Architekten und Stadtplaner PartG mbB
Contact: Simon Hubacher
Expertise: ADC Consultant -
SIA Schweiz - Swiss Socienty of Engineers and Architects
Contact: Laurindo Lietha
Expertise: Supervision of national ADC Standards
Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (ΕΤΕΚ)

Role of the ADC
The Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (ETEK) is the statutory Technical Advisor to the State and is the umbrella organisation for all Cypriot Engineers. It was established by Law 224/1990 and is a Public Law Body with an elected Governing Body. It has an office and a Service capable of promoting its objects
Professional Chamber of architects Montenegro Chamber of Engineers of Montenegro |

Role of the ADC
The goal of architectural competitions in Montenegro is to promote architecture, improve the quality of architectural projects and change the architectural scene.
National web site for ADCs:
SADAS-PEA (Greek Architects Association)

Role of the ADC
The SADAS-PEA (Greek Architects Association) was founded in 1922 in Athens. Since then, it has been operating continuously with participation and interventions in social events, in all phases of the country's political history. The aim of the Association is to unite its members to promote and safeguard architecture in Greece, to protect the interests of its members through professional activities.
Slovak Chamber of Architects

Role of the ADC
The Slovak Chamber of Architects is a self-governing professional non-entrepreneurial legal person based in Bratislava with a delegated performance of public administration. It was established by Act of the Slovak National Council No. 138/1992 on authorised architects and authorised construction engineers. Its activities are funded from its own resources without state subsidies. It is a member of the Architects' Council of Europe (ACE, and the European Network of Architects' Competent Authorities (ENACA, Besides the tasks specified by law, the Slovak Chamber of Architects also verifies competition conditions of design contests in the field of architecture and provides inviting parties with expert assistance when organising public competitions and their evaluation, and organizes the CE ZA AR Prize for Architecture of the Slovak Chamber of Architects.