Glossary on the Slovenian ADC system

The following glossary describes the national architectural design competition system in selected terms. Rather than considering every detail of the procedural practice, the glossary aims at conveying country specific characteristics and peculiarities.

arhitekturna politika


Arhitektura za ljudi – Arhitekturna politika Slovenije opredeljuje javni interes na področju arhitekture, ki obsega dvig kakovosti življenja in življenjskega okolja ter uveljavljanje trajnostnega razvoja, socialne kohezije in kulturne identitete. Zagotavlja se ga z arhitekturnim, krajinsko-arhitekturnim, urbanističnim in prostorskim načrtovanjem ter z oblikovanjem interierjev ob upoštevanju prostora kot omejene dobrine, vključno z ohranjanjem okolja in kulturne dediščine. Arhitekturna politika ima štiri temeljne cilje: • kakovostna arhitektura, • pametna rast, • trajnostni razvoj, • vključujoča arhitektura.

Baukultur (EN)


"Architecture for the people" - The architectural policy of Slovenia defines the public interest in the field of architecture, which comprises a higher quality of life and the living environment, and the introduction of sustainable development, social cohesion and cultural identity. It is facilitated by architectural, landscape architecture, urban and spatial planning, and the creation of interiors by considering space as a limited asset, including the conservation of the environment and cultural heritage. The Architectural Policy has four basic objectives: • good architecture • smart growth • sustainable development • inclusive architecture

arhitekturni natečaj


Arhitekturni natečaj je natečaj, katerega glavni predmet je zasnova stavbe ali sklopa stavb.

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Architectural competition (EN)


An architectural competition is a competition whose main subject is the design of a building or group of buildings.

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Avtor je fizična oseba, ki je ustvarila avtorsko delo (Zakon o avtorskih pravicah, 10. člen). Kadar je imetnik avtorskih pravic pravna oseba, mora le-ta določiti fizično osebo, avtorja rešitve v natečajnem elaboratu.

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natečajnikiavtorske pravice

Author (EN)


The author is the natural person who created the copyrighted work (Article 10 of Copyright Act). Where the copyright holder is a legal person, it must designate a natural person, the author of the solution in the competition entry.

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avtorske pravice


Avtorske pravice ureja Zakon o avtorskih pravicah. Ločimo moralne in materialne avtorske pravice. Moralne vedno in v vsakem primeru ostanejo avtorju, materialne pa avtor lahko odproda proti nadomestilu. 53. člen Pravilnika o javnih natečajih določa, da avtorska pravica dodelave (torej pravica za nadaljnjo projektno razdelavo natečajne rešitve) lahko preide na naročnika natečaja samo pod pogojem, da ima avtor z naročnikom podpisano pogodbo za izdelavo projektne dokumentacije. To pomeni, da naročnik od avtorja ne sme zahtevati odkupa materialne avtorske pravice predelave, če mu hkrati ne naroči tudi izdelave projektne dokumentacije. Javni naročniki to pravilo spoštujejo, privatni naročniki pa ne vedno. Določila glede materialnih avtorskih pravic so pri natečajih navedena v natečajnih pogojih.

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avtorizvirno avtorsko deloizjava avtorjanadomestilo za odkup avtorskih pravic

Copyright (EN)


Copyright is governed by the Copyright Act. We distinguish between moral and material copyrights. The moral always and in any case remain with the author, and the material ones can be sold by the author against remuneration. Article 53 of the Rules on Public Competitions stipulates that the copyright of finishing (i.e. the right to further design of the competition proposal) may pass to the competition contracting authority only if the author has signed a contract with the contracting authority for the preparation of project documentation. This means that the contracting authority may not require the author to purchase material copyrights for further development of the project documentation if he does not at the same time instruct him to prepare the project documentation. Public clients comply with this rule, but private clients do not always respect it. The provisions concerning material copyrights are set out in the competition rules.

Related Terms and Links

AuthorOriginal authorship workAuthor's statementCompensation for the purchase of copyright

bruto bruto vrednost


Bruto bruto vrednost pomeni, da navedeni zneski za nagrade, priznanja in odškodnine vključujejo vse davke in prispevke, vključno z morebitnim DDV.

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nagradno odškodninski sklad

Gross gross value (EN)


Gross gross value means that those amounts for prizes, awards and recognitions include all taxes and contributions, including any VAT.

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Prize and compensation fund

čas za izdelavo elaboratov


Čas za izdelavo elaboratov traja od objave natečaja do roka za oddajo.

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oddaja elaboratov

Time to produce competition solutions (EN)


The time for the preparation of the entries lasts from the publication of the competition to the deadline for submission.

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Submission of competition entries

časovnica natečaja


V časovnici natečaja, ki je sestavni del natečajnih pogojev, so navedeni vsi bistveni roki natečaja: rok za vprašanja in odgovore, datum morebitnega ogleda lokacije in posveta, rok za oddajo natečajnih elaboratov, predvideni rok odločitve ocenjevalne komisije in predvideni rok razstave.

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sklep o začetku natečajačasovnica natečaja - natečajni rokivprašanja in odgovorivodeni ogled lokacije in kolokvijrok za oddajo elaboratovčas za izdelavo elaboratovpravočasnostodločitev žirije - določitev nagrad in priznanjrazstava natečajnih elaboratov

competition timeline (EN)


The timeline of the competition, which forms an integral part of the competition requirements, lists all the essential deadlines for the competition: the deadline for questions and answers, the date of any visit to the site and colloquium, the deadline for submitting the competition entries, the estimated decision deadline of the jury and the planned deadline for the exhibition.

Related Terms and Links

Decision on the start of the competitionCompetition timeline - Competition deadlinesQuestions and answersGuided site visit and ColloquiumSubmission deadlineTime to produce competition solutionsTimelinessDecision of the jury - determination of prizes and awardsExhibition of competition entries

časovnica natečaja - natečajni roki


Časovnica natečaja je del natečajnih pogojev. V njej so definirani vsi pomembni roki natečaja: datum organiziranega ogleda, rok za vsebinska vprašanja in odgovore, rok za formalna vprašanja in odgovore, rok za oddajo elaboratov, predvideni rok za odločitev o izidu natečaja ter predvideni rok za razstavo. V primeru, da se rok oddaje elaboratov podaljša, se ustrezno podaljšajo tudi vsi ostali roki.

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časovnica natečajasklep o začetku natečajavprašanja in odgovorivodeni ogled lokacije in kolokvijrok za oddajo elaboratovčas za izdelavo elaboratovpravočasnostodločitev žirije - določitev nagrad in priznanjrazstava natečajnih elaboratov

Competition timeline - Competition deadlines (EN)


The timeline of the competition is part of the document Competition Rules. It defines all important deadlines for the competition: the date of the organised tour, the deadline for substantive questions and answers, the deadline for formal questions and answers, the deadline for submitting competition entries, the estimated deadline for deciding on the outcome of the competition and the estimated deadline for the exhibition. In the event that the deadline for the submission of competition entries is extended, all other deadlines are extended accordingly.

Related Terms and Links

competition timelineDecision on the start of the competitionQuestions and answersGuided site visit and ColloquiumSubmission deadlineTime to produce competition solutionsTimelinessDecision of the jury - determination of prizes and awardsExhibition of competition entries

člani naročnika v ocenjevalni komisiji (žiriji)


Člane naročnika imenuje naročnik, da zastopajo njegove interese v postopku natečaja. Potrjujejo natečajno gradivo, pripravljajo odgovore na vsebinska vprašanja in ocenjujejo elaborate. Naročnik v ocenjevalno komisijo imenuje večino članov, vsaj eden od članov pa mora imeti ustrezno strokovno izobrazbo, saj mora imeti tudi stroka v ocenjevalni komisiji večino. Člani naročnika s strokovno izobrazbo sodelujejo tudi pri pisanju zaključnega poročila. Če pride do glasovanja, lahko odsotnega člana naročnika nadomesti imenovani namestnik člana naročnika.

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ocenjevalna komisija (žirija)

Members of the client in the jury (EN)


The members of the contracting authority - client shall be appointed by the client to represent his interests in the competition procedure. They approve the competition material, prepare answers to substantive questions and evaluate the entries. The client appoints a majority of its members to the jury, and at least one of the members must have an appropriate professional education, since the profession must also have a majority in the jury. Members of the client with professional education also participate in the writing of the final report. If a vote takes place, the absent member of the client may be replaced by an appointed deputy member of the client.

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člani stroke v ocenjevalni komisiji (žiriji)


Člani, imenovani s strani stroke (npr. zbornice, če ta sodeluje pri organizaciji natečaja), potrjujejo natečajno gradivo, pripravljajo odgovore na vsebinska vprašanja, ocenjujejo elaborate in pripravijo zaključno poročilo ocenjevanja, s katerim utemeljijo vrstni red nagrajencev, prejemnikov nagrad in nenagrajenih elaboratov. Strokovni člani morajo imeti ustrezno strokovno izobrazbo in izkušnje. V ocenjevalni komisiji mora biti večina članov strokovnih – to pomeni, da je tudi vsaj eden od članov naročnika ustrezno strokovno usposobljen. Člani stroke so zavezani strokovnemu delu ter varovanju javnega interesa na področju prostora oz. predmeta natečaja. Če pride do glasovanja, lahko odsotnega člana stroke nadomesti imenovani namestnik člana stroke.

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ocenjevalna komisija (žirija)

Members of the profession in the jury (EN)


Members appointed by the profession (e.g. the chamber if it participates in the organisation of the competition) approve the competition material, prepare answers to substantive questions, evaluate the entries and prepare a final evaluation report to substantiate the order of the winners, award winners and the rest of the entries. Professional members must have appropriate professional education and experience. In the jury, the majority of members of the jury must be professional, i.e. at least one of the members of the client is also appropriately professionally qualified. Members of the profession are committed to professional work and to protecting the public interest in the field of space or the subject matter of the competition. If voting takes place, the absent member of the profession may be replaced by an appointed deputy member of the profession.

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V primeru izenačene kakovosti več natečajnih elaboratov, ko ni mogoče določiti vrstnega reda zmagovalcev, lahko ocenjevalna komisija povabi izbrane natečajnike k dodelavi natečajnega elaborata, za kar so zagotovljena dodatna sredstva za kritje stroškov dodelave. V takem primeru ocenjevalna komisija pripravi za vsak izbran natečajni elaborat priporočila za njegovo dodelavo. Dodelane natečajne elaborate ocenjuje ista ocenjevalna komisija v okviru istih meril za ocenjevanje. Tudi dodelava poteka pod protokolom anonimnosti.

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Additional completition phase (EN)


In the event of a uniform quality of several competition reports, where the order of winners cannot be determined, the jury may invite the selected candidates to complete the competition report, for which additional funds are provided to cover the completion costs. In such a case, the evaluation committee shall make recommendations for completion for each competition entry selected. The completed competition entries are evaluated by the same evaluation committee, within the same evaluation criteria. Completition takes place under the protocol of anonymity.

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dokumentacija za razpis natečaja


Dokumentacija za razpis natečaja pomeni vso dokumentacijo v zvezi z razpisom natečaja in je razdeljena v štiri poglavja: A_ natečajne pogoje, B_ natečajno nalogo, C_ natečajne podloge in D_ natečajne priloge. V A_ natečajnih pogojih so opisani pogoji sodelovanja, roki, zahtevana vsebina rešitve in merila za ocenjevanje, pa tudi okvirna napoved glede zahtev za izdelavo projektne dokumentacije (vsebina del, roki in finančne zahteve, npr. zavarovanja in garancije), ki bo predmet ločenega postopka po zaključenem natečaju. V natečajni nalogi so opisane vse zahteve v zvezi z vsebino rešitve. Podloge so datoteke, v katere natečajnik vrisuje in vpisuje svojo rešitev (npr. geodetski posnetek in tabela površin ter investicijska ocena), priloge pa so dokumenti, ki pomagajo razumeti problem (npr. izseki prostorskih aktov, posebni standardi, pravila, ipd.), torej dopolnilno gradivo. Pravilnik o javnih natečajih za dokumentacijo za razpis natečaja uporablja izraz natečajno gradivo (38. člen), Zakon o javnih naročilih pa govori o tehničnih specifikacijah razpisa (23. točka 1. odstavka 2. člena).

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natečajni pogoji _ Anatečajna naloga _ Bnatečajne podloge _ Cnatečajne priloge _ Dkvaliteta razpisne dokumentacije

Competition documentation (EN)


Competition documentation: Competition documentation constitutes of all documents relating to the competition and is divided into four chapters: A_ the Competition Rules, B_ the Competition Brief, C_ Competition Basis and D_ Competition Appendices. The A_ competition rules describe the conditions of participation, the deadlines, the required content of the solution and the evaluation criteria, as well as an indicative forecast of the requirements for the production of project documentation (content of works, deadlines and financial requirements, e.g. insurance and guarantees), which will be the subject of a separate procedure after the conclusion of the competition. The competition brief describes all the requirements related to the content of the solution. Competition basis are files in which the competitor draws and fills in his solution (e.g. geodetic image, surface spreadsheet and investment assessment), while appendices are documents that help to understand a problem (e.g. extracts of spatial documents, special standards, rules, etc.), i.e. complementary material. The Rules on competitions use the term competition documents (Article 38), while the Public Procurement Act talks about the technical specifications of the tender (Point 23 in 1 Section of Article 2).

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Competition rules_ ACompetition brief_ BCompetition basis _ CCompetition appendices _ DQuality of the competition documentation

dokumentacija, ki jo odda natečajnik - natečajno ponudbena dokumentacija


Natečajno ponudbena dokumentacija pomeni vso dokumentacijo, ki jo natečajnik oz. gospodarski subjekt predloži v postopku natečaja. Natečajno ponudbena dokumentacija je sestavljena iz natečajnega elaborata in spremljajoče ponudbene dokumentacije, katere del je tudi informativna ponudba.

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natečajni elaboratmaketaspremljajoča ponudbena dokumentacija

Documentation submitted by the competitor - Competition tender documentation (EN)


Competition tender documentation means all documents submitted by the competitor or business entity during the competition procedure. The competition tender documents shall consist of a competition entry and supporting tender documents, of which the offer is also a part.

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Competition entryModelAccompanying tender documentation

dopolnitev razpisne dokumentacije


Po začetku natečaja je mogoče razpisno gradivo dopolnjevati preko javne objave dopolnitev na portalu javnih naročil ali portalu naročnika oziroma organizatorja. V primeru, da se spreminjajo bistvena določila natečaja (npr. menjava članov ocenjevalne komisije ali nove bistvene programske zahteve), je treba rok oddaje rešitev podaljšati za že pretečeni čas razpisa.

Supplementing the competition documentation (EN)


After the start of the competition, it is possible to supplement the tender material through the public announcement of supplements on the public procurement portal or the client's or organizer's portal. In the event that the essential provisions of the competition are changed (e.g. a change of members of the evaluation commission or new essential program requirements), the deadline for submitting solutions must be extended by the already expired tender period.

elektronska komunikacija


Elektronska komunikacija v okviru natečaja poteka preko elektronskih medijev: spletnih portalov, spletne pošte in z uporabo audio-vizualnih naprav. Komunikacija med natečajniki in naročnikom poteka izključno preko spletnega portala. Interna komunikacija med organizatorjem, naročnikom, člani in sodelavci ocenjevalne komisije pa poteka preko spletne pošte in audio-vizualnih naprav. Elektronska komunikacija se uporablja predvsem za administrativne namene (npr. potrjevanje zapisnikov, obveščanje), ocenjevanje elaboratov pa poteka v živo, razen v izjemnih okoliščinah. V interno komunikacijo natečaja so lahko vključene samo osebe, ki sodelujejo pri natečaju in so podpisale izjavo o zaupnosti sodelovanja.

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komunikacija med naročnikom in natečajniki

Electronic communication (EN)


Electronic communication within the framework of the competition takes place via electronic media: web portals, webmail and using audio-visual devices. Communication between the competitors and the client takes place exclusively through the web portal. Internal communication between the organizer, client, members and helpers of the jury takes place via e-mail and audio-visual devices. Electronic communication is mainly used for administrative purposes (e.g. confirmation of minutes, notification), and the evaluation of the entries takes place live, except in exceptional circumstances. Internal competition communication is possible only between persons who are part of the competition personal and have signed a confidentiality declaration.

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Communication between the client and competitors

enostopenjski, dvostopenjski in večstopenjski natečaj


Natečaj se lahko organizira kot enostopenjski, dvostopenjski ali večstopenjski natečaj. V primeru enostopenjskega natečaja se celoten proces natečaja izvede v eni sami stopnji. V primeru dvostopenjskega natečaja je prva stopnja praviloma idejni natečaj, ki mu sledi projektni natečaj ali urbanistični natečaj, ki mu sledi projektni natečaj za izbrani del ali projektni natečaj, ki je organiziran v dveh stopnjah. V slednjem se v prvi stopnji predloži zgolj idejno skico predloga rešitve, v drugi stopnji pa se izbrane rešitve bolj natančno projektno razdelajo. Število stopenj natečaja se definira v natečajnih pogojih. Večina javnih natečajev je enostopenjskih.

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Single stage, two stage and multi stage competition (EN)


A competition may be organised as one, two or more stage competitions. In the case of a single-stage competition, the entire competition process is carried out in a single stage. In the case of a two-stage competition, the first stage is, as a rule, an idea competition followed by a project competition, or an urban planning competition followed by a project competition for the selected part, or a project competition organised in two stages. In the latter, in the first stage, only a conceptual sketch of the solution proposal is submitted, while in the second stage, the selected solutions are elaborated on more precisely. The number of competition levels shall be defined in the competition rules. Most open competitions are single-stage.

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formalna vprašanja


Formalna vprašanja so vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na postopek izvedbe natečaja ali vsebine, opredeljene v delih dokumentacije označene z A_natečajni pogoji ali vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na obliko ali tehnične značilnosti izrisov natečajnih rešitev.

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komunikacija med naročnikom in natečajnikivprašanja in odgovori

Formal questions (EN)


Formal questions are questions relating to the procedure of the competition or to the content defined in the parts of the competition documentation marked with A_ competition rules, or questions relating to the form or technical characteristics of drawings of the competition entries.

Related Terms and Links

Communication between the client and competitorsQuestions and answers



Določitev vrstnega reda prejetih rešitev praviloma poteka skozi razpravo, soglasno, torej brez glasovanja. Če to ni mogoče, se ocenjuje z glasovanjem. Glasujejo samo polnopravni člani ocenjevalne komisije (žirije), namestniki ne glasujejo. Če eden od polnopravnih članov med glasovanjem manjka, ga nadomesti ustrezni namestnik. Sprememba v višini nagrad in priznanj se lahko izvede samo s soglasnim glasovanjem.

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Voting (EN)


As a rule, determining the order of solutions received is carried out through discussion, unanimously, that is, without a vote. If this is not possible, the evaluation is carried out by vote. Only members of the jury vote and deputies do not vote. If one of the members is missing during the vote, he or she shall be replaced by an appropriate deputy. A change in the value of prizes and awards may only be made by unanimous vote.

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gospodarski subjekt - projektant


Gospodarski subjekt (6. točka 1. odstavka 2. člena ZJN-3) v sestavi natečajnika je tisti, ki predloži spremljajočo ponudbeno dokumentacijo, in je tisti, ki v skladu z Zakonom o javnih naročilih nastopa kot kandidat oz. kot ponudnik (7. in 8. točka 1. odstavka 2. člena ZJN-3). V Gradbenem zakonu se za ta isti gospodarski subjekt uporablja pojem projektant. Projektant (oz. gospodarski subjekt) je tako pravna ali fizična oseba, ki kot udeleženec pri graditvi objektov izdeluje projektno dokumentacijo in ves čas trajanja pogodbenega razmerja izpolnjuje pogoje po zakonu, ki ureja arhitekturno in inženirsko dejavnost (3. člen GZ-2).

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Business entity - Designer (EN)


Business entity (Point 6 of Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of ZJN-3) in the competitor’s team is the one who submits the accompanying tender documentation, and is the one who, in accordance with the Public Procurement Act, acts as a candidate or tenderer (Paragraphs 7 and 8 of Article 2 of ZJN-3). In the Building Act, the word designer is used for this same business entity. The designer (or business entity) is thus a legal or natural person who, as a participant in the construction of buildings, prepares project documentation and fulfils the conditions for the entire duration of the contractual relationship under the law governing architectural and engineering activities (Article 3 of GZ-2).

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Currently there are no entries with this letter.

idejni natečaj


Idejni natečaj je proces, v okviru katerega se išče: 1) osnovne usmeritve in ideje oziroma predstave o prostorskih ureditvah in objektih; 2) nove sistemske ideje, kot so nova tipologija gradnje, nove vrste urbane opreme in druge rešitve, ki niso vezane le na eno ali le eno lokacijo ali; 3) najprimernejša rešitev za izdelavo zasnove prostorske ureditve. Posledica idejnega natečaja ni oddaja storitve projektiranja, možen pa je odkup avtorskih pravic za uporabo predložene ideje. Idejni natečaji zakonsko praviloma niso zahtevani, zato jih je v praksi relativno malo.

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Idea competition (EN)


Idea competition is the process in which the following is sought: 1. basic directions and ideas, or ideas about spatial arrangements and objects; 2. new systemic ideas, such as a new typology of construction, new types of urban equipment and other solutions that are not tied to only one location, or 3. The most suitable solution for creating a spatial planning design. The idea competition does not result in the award of the design service, but it is possible to purchase copyrights for the use of the submitted idea. As a rule, design competitions are not required by law, so in practice there are relatively few of them.

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infomativna ponudba za projektiranje


Del spremljajoče dokumentacije, ki jo oddaja natečajnik, je tudi informativna ponudba za projektiranje, ki jo natečajnik poda na podlagi bistvenih zahtev naročnika v zvezi s projektno dokumentacijo, ki so navedene v natečajnih pogojih, na primer: obseg del, roki za izdelavo posameznih faz projektne dokumentacije, dokumentacija, ki jo pridobiva naročnik (npr. geodetski posnetek, geomehansko poročilo), zahteve glede finančnega zavarovanja za dobro izvedbo posla, zahteve glede višine zavarovanja projektantske odgovornosti, določila glede prenosa avtorskih pravic itn. Informativna ponudba je s strani gospodarskega subjekta natečajnika podpisana in žigosana ter vložena v zapečateno kuverto, da se ohranja anonimnost. Višina informativne ponudbe, brez imen ponudnika, je navedena tudi v mapi z rešitvijo in je naročnik z njo seznanjen že med ocenjevanjem, pri čemer to ne sme biti eno od meril ocenjevanja. V primeru, da je natečajnik eden od zmagovalcev natečaja, je informativna ponudba (po zaključenem natečaju) izhodišče za pogajanja za podpis pogodbe o projektiranju.

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spremljajoča ponudbena dokumentacija

Informative design offer (EN)


Part of the accompanying documentation submitted by the competitor is also an informative design offer made by the competitor on the basis of the essential requirements of the contracting authority – client regarding the design documentation specified in the competition rules, e.g.: scope of works, deadlines for the production of individual phases of project documentation, documentation obtained by the client (e.g. surveying image, geomechanical report), financial collateral requirements for good performance, requirements regarding the amount of design liability insurance, provisions for the transfer of copyright, etc. The informative offer shall be signed and stamped by the business entity of the competitor and placed in a sealed envelope to preserve anonymity. The amount of the informative offer, without the names of the competitors, is also indicated in the solution folder, so the client is already informed about it during the evaluation, but the amount should not be one of the evaluation criteria. In the event that the competitor is one of the winners his informative offer is the starting point for negotiations for the signing of the design contract (once the competition has been completed).

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Accompanying tender documentation

intelektualne storitve


Storitev je delo, ki se opravi za nekoga, navadno za plačilo. Intelektualna storitev je delo, ki je opravljeno na razumskem področju in katerega rezultat ni nujno fizični produkt. Storitve projektiranja sodijo med kreativne intelektualne storitve. To so storitve, katerih bistvena značilnost je raznolikost možnih pristopov in končnih rešitev ter katerih podrobna vsebina ali končni rezultat ne moreta biti natančno določena vnaprej.

Intellectual services (EN)


A service is work done for someone, usually for a fee. An intellectual service is work that is done in a rational sphere and the result of which is not necessarily a physical product. Design services are among creative intellectual services. These are services the essential feature of which is the diversity of possible approaches and therefore final solutions and the detailed content or end result cannot be precisely defined in advance.

izjava avtorja


Avtor ali avtorska skupina ob oddaji natečajne rešitve odda tudi izjavo avtorja. V izjavi avtorji potrdijo, da oddani elaborat predstavlja njihovo izvirno avtorsko delo, da so avtorji lastniki avtorskih pravic in da njihovo delo ni obremenjeno z avtorskimi pravicami tretjih oseb.

Related Terms and Links

avtorizvirno avtorsko delonadomestilo za odkup avtorskih pravic

Author's statement (EN)


When submitting the competition entry, the author or the author's group also submits the author's statement. In the statement, the authors confirm that the submitted entry represents their original copyrighted work, that the authors own copyrights and that their work is not encumbered by copyrights of third parties.

Related Terms and Links

AuthorOriginal authorship workCompensation for the purchase of copyright

izkušnje naročnikov


Za naročnike je največja dodana vrednost natečaja možnost izbire med več kvalitetnimi rešitvami. Velika večina naročnikov (91 %) meni, da je arhitekturni natečaj najprimernejša oblika naročanja arhitekturnih storitev

Client experience (EN)


For clients, the greatest added value of the competition is the possibility of choosing between several quality solutions. The vast majority of contracting authorities (91%) consider architectural competition to be the preferred form of procuring architectural services.

izpolnjevanje obveznih pogojev ZJN


Če pogajanja potekajo v skladu z Zakonom o javnem naročanju, mora zmagovalec pred izvedbo pogajanj naročniku dostaviti dokazila, s katerimi izkaže, da zanj ne obstajajo razlogi za izključitev, na primer: nekaznovanost, neobstoj davčnih terjatev (Zakon o javnih naročilih, 75. člen). Če natečajnik teh zahtev ne izpolni, je izločen iz nadaljnjih pogajanj in naročnik k pogajanjem povabi naslednjega najvišje uvrščenega prejemnika nagrade, če je kaskadno napredovanje določeno v natečajnih pogojih.

Related Terms and Links

podpis pogodbe za projektiranje

Fulfillment of the mandatory conditions of the PPA (EN)


If negotiations are conducted in accordance with the Public Procurement Act, before conducting negotiations, the winner must provide the client with evidence proving that there are no grounds for exclusion, e.g. impunity, absence of tax claims (Public Procurement Act, Article 75). If the competitor fails to meet these requirements, he shall be excluded from further negotiations and the client shall invite the next top-ranked award recipient to negotiate, provided that cascading promotion is specified in the competition conditions.

Related Terms and Links

Signing the design contract

izpolnjevanje pogojev natečaja – dopustna natečajno ponudbena dokumentacija


Dopustna natečajno ponudbena dokumentacija, torej natečajnikova rešitev s spremljajočo ponudbeno dokumentacijo, mora izpolnjevati vse predhodne izključitvene pogoje, ki so določeni v natečajnih pogojih natečaja (npr. pravočasnost prispetja, anonimnost, prisotnost vseh bistvenih sestavnih delov), in tudi vse izključitvene pogoje naknadnega preizkusa (npr. vodilni avtor je vpisan v imenik ZAPS, gospodarski subjekt je registriran za projektiranje, avtorji sodelujejo samo v eni avtorski skupini, reference natečajnika ustrezajo zahtevam, med natečajniki in ocenjevalno komisijo s sodelavci ni konflikta interesov). Če pogoji niso izpolnjeni, to pomeni avtomatično izločitev elaborata iz ocenjevanja (predhodni preizkus) ali naknadno izločitev elaborata z izgubo nagrade, priznanja ali odškodnine (naknadni preizkus). Če natečaj poteka v okviru javnega naročila, se glede »dopustne ponudbe« upošteva tudi 29. točko 1. odstavka 2. člena ZJN-3. Odstopanja od vsebinskih usmeritev naročnika praviloma niso opredeljena kot izključitveni pogoj. Elaborate v vsebinskem smislu ocenjuje natečajna komisija, pri čemer upošteva merila za ocenjevanje.

Related Terms and Links

razlika med merili za ocenjevanje in obveznimi pogojipredhodni in naknadni preizkusmerila za ocenjevanje

Meeting the conditions of the competition - Admissible competition tender documentation (EN)


Admissible competition tender documentation, i.e. the applicant's solution with the accompanying tender documents, must meet all previous exclusion conditions set out in the competition rules (e.g. timeliness of arrival, anonymity, presence of all essential components) as well as all exclusion conditions of the subsequent test (e.g. lead author is registered in the ZAPS directory, the business entity is registered for design, authors participate in only one authoring group, the references of the competitor are adequate, there is no conflict of interest between the competitors and the evaluation committee and their helpers). If the conditions are not met, this means the automatic exclusion of the entry from the evaluation (preliminary test) or the subsequent exclusion of an entry with the loss of a prize, recognition or compensation (subsequent test). If the competition takes place within the framework of a public contract, point 29 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the PPA ZJN-3 is also taken into account regarding the "admissibility". As a general rule, deviations from the programme guidelines of the client are not defined as exclusion conditions. In terms of the programme, the entries are evaluated by the evaluation committee (jury) following the evaluation criteria.

Related Terms and Links

Difference between criteria for evaluation and compulsory conditionsPreliminary and subsequent testEvaluation criteria

izvirno avtorsko delo


Izvirno avtorsko delo je lastna stvaritev avtorja oziroma skupine avtorjev, ki ne posega v avtorske pravice tretjih oseb na predobstoječih arhitekturnih rešitvah. V primeru, da je natečajnik sodeloval v prednatečajnih aktivnostih (npr. programsko-prostorskih preveritvah na lokaciji natečaja), mora biti njegova oddana natečajna rešitev drugačna do te mere, da obeh rešitev avtorsko ni mogoče povezati.

Related Terms and Links

avtorizjava avtorjanadomestilo za odkup avtorskih pravic

Original authorship work (EN)


The original copyrighted work is the own creation of the author or group of authors, which does not interfere with the copyright of third parties on pre-existing architectural solutions. In the event that the competitor has participated in pre-competition activities (e.g. programme and spatial checks at the location of the competition), their submitted entry must be different to the extent that both solutions cannot be linked by copyright.

Related Terms and Links

AuthorAuthor's statementCompensation for the purchase of copyright

javni naročnik


Javni naročniki natečaja so v skladu z 9. členom Zakona o javnem naročanju vsi državni organi, vse občine in druge osebe javnega prava. Javni naročniki morajo spoštovati obveznost izvedbe natečaja, kadar so za to izpolnjeni pogoji, kot jih določa Zakon o javnem naročanju (100. člen). Pri izvedbi natečaja upoštevajo tudi določila Pravilnika o natečajih.

Related Terms and Links

naročniksodelujoči pri natečajuprivatni naročniknaročnik - uporabnik

Public client (EN)


In accordance with Article 9 of the Public Procurement Act, public competition contracting authorities – public clients are all state bodies, all municipalities and other bodies governed by public law. Contracting authorities must respect the obligation to conduct a competition where the conditions laid down in the Public Procurement Act (Article 100) are fulfilled. When conducting the competition, they also take into account the provisions of the Rules on competitions.

Related Terms and Links

ClientEntities participating in the competitionPrivate clientClient - user

jezik natečaja


Jezik izvedbe slovenskega natečaja je slovenščina. Izjemoma lahko naročnik dovoli oddajo posameznih elementov natečaja tudi v tujem jeziku. V primeru, da si naročnik želi številčnejše mednarodne udeležbe, se razpisna dokumentacija lahko objavi tudi v angleškem jeziku.

Competition language (EN)


The language of the Slovenian competition is Slovenian. Exceptionally, the contracting authority may authorise the submission of individual elements of the competition also in a foreign language. In the event that the client wishes more international participation, the tender documentation may also be published in English.

kakovostna arhitektura


Kakovostna arhitektura je tista, ki je trajnostna – to pomeni, da je uporabna, varna, zdrava, do okolja prijazna, kakovostno oblikovana, vključujoča in ekonomična. Takšna arhitektura omogoča kakovost bivanja prebivalcem, rezultati pa se poznajo v dobrem počutju in motivaciji ljudi. Arhitektura in prostor bistveno vplivata na formiranje posameznikove identitete in ustvarjalnosti v družbi. Kakovost grajenega okolja zato ključno vpliva na proces identifikacije človeka z družbo, ki ji pripada, pri čemer imajo poleg urbanistične oziroma krajinske vpetosti v prostor pomembno vlogo tudi ostali arhitekturni vidiki: funkcionalni, oblikovni, zahteve po ugodju in zdravju ter vključenost kulturne dediščine.

Related Terms and Links

arhitekturna politika

Design quality (EN)


Good architecture is sustainable quality, which means that it is useful, safe, healthy, environmentally friendly, well-designed, inclusive and economical. Such architecture facilitates the quality of life for residents, and it results in well-being and motivation. Architecture and space significantly affect the shaping of a person’s identity and creativity in society. The quality of the built environment has a key infl uence on the process of a person’s idenfication with the society they belong to, whereby other architectural aspects – functional aspects, design, requirements for comfort and health, and the inclusion of cultural heritage – also play an important role in addition to urban and landscape integration in space.

Related Terms and Links


kaskadno napredovanje


Če je tako določeno v natečajnih pogojih, so prejemniki nagrad na pogajanja za podpis pogodbe o izdelavi projektne dokumentacije vabljeni v kaskadnem vrstnem redu, upoštevajoč zaključno poročilo ocenjevalne komisije (žirije). Torej najprej prejemnik prve nagrade; če pogajanja z njim ne uspejo, naprej v padajočem vrstnem redu nagrad. Če pogajanja potekajo v skladu z Zakonom o javnem naročanju, mora zmagovalec pred izvedbo pogajanj naročniku dostaviti dokazila, s katerimi izkaže, da zanj ne obstajajo razlogi za izključitev, na primer: nekaznovanost, neobstoj davčnih terjatev (Zakon o javnih naročilih, 75. člen). Če natečajnik teh zahtev ne izpolni, je izločen iz nadaljnjih pogajanj in naročnik k pogajanjem povabi naslednjega najvišje uvrščenega prejemnika nagrade.

Related Terms and Links

podpis pogodbe za projektiranje

Cascading progression (EN)


If stipulated in the competition rules, prize recipients will be invited to negotiate a contract for the production of project documentation in cascading order, taking into account the final report of the jury. So, first, the winner of the first prize, and if the negotiations with him fail, forward in descending order of the prizes. If negotiations are conducted in accordance with the Public Procurement Act, before conducting negotiations, the winner must provide the client with evidence proving that there are no grounds for exclusion, e.g. impunity, absence of tax claims (Public Procurement Act, Article 75). If the competitor fails to meet these requirements, he shall be excluded from further negotiations and the client shall invite the next top-ranked prize recipient to negotiate.

Related Terms and Links

Signing the design contract

komunikacija med naročnikom in natečajniki


Komunikacija med naročnikom in natečajniki poteka izključno preko portala javnih naročil (če gre za javnega naročnika) ali preko spletnega portala naročnika oziroma organizatorja (če gre za privatnega naročnika). Vsa natečajna komunikacija spoštuje protokol anonimnosti. Individualna komunikacija med natečajniki ter člani ocenjevalne komisije ali sodelavci je prepovedana.

Related Terms and Links

portal javnih naročilnačelo anonimnosti natečajnikovvprašanja in odgovorielektronska komunikacijavodeni ogled lokacije in kolokvij

Communication between the client and competitors (EN)


Communication between the client and the competitors takes place exclusively through the public procurement portal (if it is a public client) or through the web portal of the client or organizer (if it is a private client). All competition communication adheres to the anonymity protocol. Individual communication between the competitors and the members of the jury or helpers is prohibited.

Related Terms and Links

Public procurement portalPrinciple of anonimity of competitorsQuestions and answersElectronic communicationGuided site visit and Colloquium

konflikt interesov


V natečajnih pogojih so opredeljene situacije, ki pomenijo konflikt interesov (sorodstvo, kapitalska povezanost ipd.). Posebej zahtevno je definiranje konflikta interesov za predavatelje na fakultetah, ki pogosto sodelujejo v žirijah (ocenjevalnih komisijah) in tudi kot natečajniki. Če je natečajnik v konfliktu interesov z naročnikom, razpisovalcem, člani žirije ali sodelavci žirije, ne sme sodelovati na natečaju. Konflikt interesov se preverja po zaključenem ocenjevanju preko imen natečajnikov in izjav članov ter sodelavcev ocenjevalne komisije.

Related Terms and Links

predhodni in naknadni preizkus

Conflict of interest (EN)


The competition rules define situations that constitute conflicts of interest (kinship, capital connections, etc.). It is particularly challenging to define conflicts of interest for lecturers at faculties, who often participate in juries (evaluation committees) and as competitors. If the competitors have a conflict of interest with the client, competition organiser, jury members, or jury helpers, they may not participate in the competition. Conflicts of interest are checked after the evaluation is completed through the names of the competitors and statements by the members and staff of the jury.

Related Terms and Links

Preliminary and subsequent test

krajinskoarhitekturni natečaj


Krajinskoarhitekturni natečaj je natečaj, katerega glavni predmet je ureditev krajine.

Related Terms and Links


Landscape architecture competition (EN)


The landscape architecture competition is a competition whose main subject is landscaping.

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kriteriji za sodelovanje


Kadar ne pride do sodelovanja zbornice pri izvedbi natečaja, ZAPS oceni skladnost razpisanega natečaja s predpisi in pravili stroke v rubriki "semafor" zato, da natečajniki lahko pridobijo celovito informacijo o pogojih natečaja in se seznanijo z možnimi posledicami. Zbornica članom odsvetuje udeležbo na problematičnih natečajih, prepoveduje pa ne.

Cooperation criteria (EN)


When the Chamber does not participate in the execution of the competition, the ZAPS assesses the compliance of the competition with the regulations and rules of the profession in the "traffic light" section so that the competitors can obtain full information about the conditions of the competition and learn about the possible consequences. The Chamber advises members against participating in problematic competitions but does not prohibit it.

kvaliteta razpisne dokumentacije


Vse informacije v zvezi z natečajem morajo biti jasne, natančne, premišljene in dovolj izčrpne, da lahko natečajne zahteve razume najširši krog potencialnih natečajnikov. Kvalitetna izdelava razpisne dokumentacije natečaja je bistvena za uspeh natečaja in izvedbo projekta.

Related Terms and Links

dokumentacija za razpis natečaja

Quality of the competition documentation (EN)


All information relating to a competition must be clear, precise, smart and comprehensive enough to allow the widest range of potential candidates to understand the competition requirements. Quality preparation of the competition documentation is essential for the success of the competition and the implementation of the project.

Related Terms and Links

Competition documentation

Currently there are no entries with this letter.



Kadar se zahteva oddaja makete, so običajno vnaprej predpisana njena oblika, merilo in izgled (npr. v celoti bele barve, izdelana iz poljubnih materialov). Naročnik oziroma organizator običajno pripravita širšo maketo okolice, v katero se potem vlaga natečajnikova maketa. Rok za oddajo makete je običajno en teden po oddaji ostalega natečajnega gradiva.

Related Terms and Links

dokumentacija, ki jo odda natečajnik - natečajno ponudbena dokumentacija

Model (EN)


Kadar se zahteva oddaja makete, so običajno vnaprej predpisana njena oblika, merilo in izgled (npr. v celoti bele barve, izdelana iz poljubnih materialov). Naročnik oziroma organizator običajno pripravita širšo maketo okolice, v katero se potem vlaga natečajnikova maketa. Rok za oddajo makete je običajno en teden po oddaji ostalega natečajnega gradiva.

Related Terms and Links

Documentation submitted by the competitor - Competition tender documentation

mednarodni natečaj


Na vsakem odprtem natečaju, razpisanem v Sloveniji, lahko v skladu z zakonodajo EU sodelujejo vsi zainteresirani udeleženci iz EU, ki izpolnjujejo razpisne pogoje. V primeru, da si naročnik želi številčnejše mednarodne udeležbe, se razpisna dokumentacija objavi tudi v angleškem jeziku.

Related Terms and Links


International competition (EN)


In accordance with EU legislation, any open competition tendered in Slovenia is open to all interested participants from the EU who meet the tender specifications. In the event that the client wishes more international participation, the tender documentation is also published in English.

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mejne vrednosti


Mejne vrednosti za objave razpisov so definirane v 22. členu Zakona o javnem naročanju. Mejna vrednost za objavo na portalu javnih naročil Slovenije za projektni natečaj je 50.000 EUR brez DDV. Mejna vrednost za objavo na portalu javnih naročil EU je 134.000 brez DDV za projektni natečaj. Mejna vrednost za obvezno izvedbo javnega projektnega natečaja je definirana v 100.členu ZJN-3 in velja za: 1. projektiranje objektov za šport, rekreacijo in prosti čas, če investicijska vrednost presega 500.000 EUR brez DDV, 2. za projektiranje objektov, če investicijska vrednost presega 2.500.000 EUR brez DDV in 3. če prostorske ureditve kjer se spreminja namenska raba presegajo 5 hektarov. (Vir Zakon o javnem naročanju, pridobljeno: 26.9.2023)

Related Terms and Links

zakonodajni okvir natečajev

Threshold value (EN)


The threshold values for tender publications are defined in Article 22 of the Public Procurement Act. The threshold for publication on the Slovenian public procurement portal for the design competition is 50,000 EUR excluding VAT. The threshold for publication on the EU public procurement portal is 134 000 excluding VAT for a project design competition. The threshold for the mandatory implementation of the public design competition is defined in Article 100 of the ZJN-3 and applies to: 1. design of facilities for sports, recreation and leisure, if the investment value exceeds EUR 500,000 excluding VAT, 2. for the design of buildings, if the investment value exceeds EUR 2,500,000 excluding VAT, and 3. if the spatial arrangements where the intended use changes exceed 5 hectares. (Source: Public Procurement Act, retrieved: 26.9.2023)

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Legislative framework of competitions

merila za ocenjevanje


Merila za ocenjevanje so kriteriji, na podlagi katerih ocenjevalna komisija objektivno presoja natečajne elaborate in izbere strokovno najprimernejše rešitve (nagrade in priznanja) (Pravilnik o javnih natečajih, 41. člen). Podana so opisno in razporejena po padajoči pomembnosti, od najpomembnejšega do najmanj pomembnega. Ker gre pri arhitekturi za kompleksne rešitve, matematične metode ocenjevanja (kot npr. točkovanje meril) niso primerne. Merila za ocenjevanje se po objavi natečaja ne spreminjajo, v izjemnih situacijah pa je to mogoče, ob hkratnem podaljašanju natečaja za že pretečeni čas (spreminjanje bistvenih določil natečaja).

Related Terms and Links


Evaluation criteria (EN)


The evaluation criteria are the criteria on the basis of which the evaluation committee (jury) objectively assesses the competition entries and selects the professionally most appropriate solutions (prizes and awards) (Rules on open competitions, Article 41). They are given descriptively and arranged in descending importance, from the most important to the least important. Since architecture is complex, mathematical assessment methods (such as scoring criteria) are not suitable. The evaluation criteria are not changed after the announcement of the competition, but in exceptional circumstances this is possible, with the simultaneous extension of the competition for the time already elapsed (modification of the essential provisions of the competition).

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načela izvedbe natečajev


Za izvajanje natečajev veljajo splošna načela javnega naročanja, kot so določena v Zakonu o javnem naročanju, in posebna načela izvajanja natečajev, kot so določena v Natečajnem pravilniku, in sicer: 1. načelo konkurence med natečajniki, 2. načelo enakopravnosti natečajnikov, 3. načelo anonimnosti natečajnikov, 4. načelo strokovnosti, neodvisnosti in nepristranskosti ocenjevalne komisije, 5. načelo javnosti.

Related Terms and Links

Zakon o javnem naročanjunačelo konkurence med natečajnikinačelo enakopravnosti natečajnikovnačelo anonimnosti natečajnikovnačelo strokovnosti, neodvisnosti in nepristranskosti ocenjevalne komisijenačelo javnosti

načelo anonimnosti natečajnikov


Anonimnost je eno od načel natečajev, ki jih določa Pravilnik o javnih natečajih, in pomeni, da mora biti ves čas ocenjevanja natečajnih elaboratov zagotovljeno varovanje podatkov, ki bi lahko razkrili, kdo je avtor ali natečajnik oz. gospodarski subjekt (Pravilnik o javnih natečajih, 3. člen; ZJN-3, 104. člen). Anonimnost je zato v natečaju opredeljena kot pogoj – kršenje anonimnosti (v fizičnem ali elektronskem oddanem gradivu) pomeni avtomatično izključitev elaborata. Kadar so v natečaju pogoj za sodelovanje reference (kot prva faza ali predfaza natečaja), ustreznost referenc zaradi zahteve po anonimnosti pregleduje posebna strokovna komisija, v kateri ni članov ali sodelavcev ocenjevalne komisije.

Related Terms and Links

načela izvedbe natečajevkomunikacija med naročnikom in natečajnikišifriranje

Principle of anonimity of competitors (EN)


Anonymity is one of the principles of competitions laid down in the Rules on open competitions and means that throughout the evaluation of entries the protection of data that could reveal who the author or competitor or business entity is, must be ensured (Rules on open competitions, Article 3; ZJN-3, Article 104). Anonymity is therefore defined as a condition in the competition, and violation of anonymity (in physical or electronically submitted material) means automatic exclusion of the entry. Where references are prerequisite for participation in a competition (such as the first phase or pre-phase of the competition), the adequacy of the references due to the anonymity requirement is reviewed by a special expert committee in which there are no members or staff of the jury.

Related Terms and Links

Principles of conducting competitionsCommunication between the client and competitorscoding

načelo enakopravnosti natečajnikov


Kadar velja načelo enakopravnosti natečajnikov, morajo biti vsem natečajnikom dostopne enake informacije, za vse natečajnike mora veljati isti rok za predajo natečajnih elaboratov in vsa dela mora ocenjevati ista, vnaprej objavljena ocenjevalna komisija tako, da je vsaki osebi, ki se udeleži natečaja, zagotovljena strokovno objektivna in nepristranska ocena njenega natečajnega elaborata.

Related Terms and Links

načela izvedbe natečajev

Principle of equality of competitors (EN)


Where the principle of equality of competitors applies, the same information must be accessible to all competitors, all competitors must be subject to the same time limit for the submission of the competition entries and all works must be evaluated by the same, pre-published evaluation committee (jury) in such a way that each person participating in the competition is guaranteed a professional, objective and impartial evaluation of his or her competition entry.

Related Terms and Links

Principles of conducting competitions

načelo javnosti


Načelo javnosti pomeni, da ima vsakdo, ki je upravičen do udeležbe na javnem natečaju, pravico pridobiti natečajno gradivo, in da morajo biti razpis javnega natečaja ter njegovi rezultati javno objavljeni.

Related Terms and Links

načela izvedbe natečajev

Principle of publicity (EN)


The principle of publicity implies that everyone entitled to take part in an open competition has the right to obtain competition materials and that the notice of open competition and its results must be made public.

Related Terms and Links

Principles of conducting competitions

načelo konkurence med natečajniki


Kadar velja načelo konkurence med natečajniki, naročnik natečaja ne sme omejevati možnih natečajnikov z uporabo drugačnih omejitvenih postopkov, kot jih določa Pravilnik o javnih natečajih, ali z uporabo diskriminatornih meril.

Related Terms and Links

načela izvedbe natečajev

Principle of competition between competitors (EN)


Where the principle of competition between competitors applies, the client may not restrict possible competitors by applying restrictive procedures different from those laid down in the Rules on open competitions or by applying discriminatory criteria.

Related Terms and Links

Principles of conducting competitions

načelo strokovnosti, neodvisnosti in nepristranskosti ocenjevalne komisije


Načelo strokovnosti, neodvisnosti in nepristranskosti ocenjevalne komisije pomeni, da morajo večino članov ocenjevalne komisije sestavljati posamezniki, ki so strokovnjaki s področja, za katerega se pripravi in izvede javni natečaj, da naročnik ne sme kakorkoli vplivati na odločanje njenih članov ter da morajo njeni člani ocenjevati natečajne elaborate nepristransko in v skladu s pravili stroke, kateri pripadajo.

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načela izvedbe natečajev

Principle of professionalism, independence and impartiality of the jury (EN)


The principle of professionalism, independence and impartiality of the jury means that the majority of members of the jury must be composed of individuals who are experts in the field for which the competition is prepared and conducted, that the client may not influence in any way the decision-making of the jury and that its members must evaluate the entries impartially and in accordance with the rules of the profession to which they belong.

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Principles of conducting competitions

nadomestilo za odkup avtorskih pravic


Materialne avtorske pravice lahko avtor proda tretji osebi in za to prejme nadomestilo za odkup materialnih avtorskih pravic. 53. člen Pravilnika o javnih natečajih določa, da avtorska pravica dodelave (torej pravica za nadaljnjo projektno razdelavo natečajne rešitve) lahko preide na naročnika natečaja samo pod pogojem, da ima avtor z naročnikom podpisano pogodbo za izdelavo projektne dokumentacije. Kljub temu se natečajnik lahko prostovoljno odloči, da naročniku odproda materialne avtorske pravice, oziroma je tovrstna zahteva del privatnih natečajev, ki ne sledijo Pravilniku o natečajih.

Related Terms and Links

avtorizvirno avtorsko deloizjava avtorja

Compensation for the purchase of copyright (EN)


Material copyrights can be sold by the author to a third party and for this he receives compensation for the purchase of material copyrights. Article 53 of the Rules on public competitions stipulates that the copyright of finishing (i.e. the right to further design of the competition proposal) may pass to the competition client only if the author has signed a contract with the client for the preparation of project documentation. Nevertheless, the applicant may voluntarily decide to divest material copyrights to the client, or such a request is part of private competitions that do not follow the Rules on competitions.

Related Terms and Links

AuthorOriginal authorship workAuthor's statement



Nagrada predstavlja priznanje natečajnikom, ki so predložil strokovno najprimernejše natečajne elaborate. V skladu s Pravilnikom o natečajih se razpišejo tri denarne nagrade. Žirija ima pravico, da nagradni sklad prerazporedi pod pogojem, da je odločitev sprejeta soglasno. Prejemnik nagrade se po Zakonu o javnih naročilih lahko poteguje za podpis pogodbe, upoštevajoč vrstni red nagrajencev. Nagrada se natečajniku izplača po zaključenem natečaju, in sicer ne glede na to, ali bo izdeloval projektno dokumentacijo ali ne.

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nagradno odškodninski sklad

Prize money (EN)


The prize is awarded to the candidates who have submitted the most professionally appropriate competition entries. In accordance with the Rules on competitions, three cash prizes are announced. The jury has the right to reallocate the prize pool, provided that the decision is taken unanimously. Under the Public Procurement Act, the recipient of the prize may compete for the signing of the contract, taking into account the order of the winners. The prize will be paid to the applicant after the competition has ended, regardless of whether they will produce the project documentation or not.

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Prize and compensation fund

nagradni sklad


Nagradni sklad je sestavljen iz treh denarnih nagrad in treh enakovrednih priznanj. Višina nagradnega sklada se določi na podlagi višine investicije in zahtevnosti natečajne naloge.

Related Terms and Links

nagradno odškodninski sklad

Prize money sum (EN)


The prize pool consists of three cash prizes and three equivalent awards. The amount of the prize pool is determined on the basis of the amount of investment and the complexity of the competition task.

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Prize and compensation fund

nagradno odškodninski sklad


Nagradno odškodninski sklad je sestavljen iz nagradnega sklada in odškodninskega sklada. Skupni strošek nagradnega sklada je v Pravilniku o natečajih definiran kot najmanj 50 % vseh natečajnih stroškov.

Related Terms and Links

nagradni skladnagradepriznanjeodškodnine - odškodninski skladbruto bruto vrednost

Prize and compensation fund (EN)


The prize compensation fund consists of a prize fund and a compensation fund. The total cost of the prize pool is defined in the Rules on competitions as at least 50% of the total competition costs.

Related Terms and Links

Prize money sumPrize moneyAwardCompensation - Compensation fundGross gross value

namestnik člana stroke in namestnik člana naročnika v ocenjevalni komisiji (žiriji)


Naročnik imenuje namestnika članov naročnika in stroka (npr. zbornica) imenuje namestnika članov stroke. Namestnik je po pravicah in obveznostih enakovreden članu ocenjevalne komisije, razen da nima glasovalne pravice v primeru, ko pride do glasovanja. Kadar je član pri glasovanju odsoten, ga lahko nadomesti namestnik člana. Naročnikove člane nadomešča imenovani namestnik naročnika, strokovne člane pa nadomešča imenovani namestnik stroke.

Related Terms and Links

ocenjevalna komisija (žirija)

Deputy member of the profession and deputy member of the client in the jury (EN)


The client appoints deputy members of the client and the profession (e.g. chamber) appoints a deputy member of the profession. The deputy member shall be equivalent in rights and obligations to a member of the jury, except that he or she shall not have the right to vote in the event of a vote. Where a member is absent from voting, he may be replaced by a deputy member. The client's members are replaced by the appointed deputy of the client, while professional members are replaced by an appointed deputy of the profession.

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namestnik predsednika ocenjevalne komisije (žirije)


Namestnik predsednika ocenjevalne komisije je imenovan izmed članov naročnika. Smiselno je, da je namestnik predsednika iz strokovnega dela naročnikovih članov. Nadomešča namreč predsednika, kadar je ta odsoten, in mora torej voditi seje ter skrbeti za operativnost ocenjevalne komisije.

Related Terms and Links

ocenjevalna komisija (žirija)

Vice-president of the jury (EN)


The vice-president of the jury is appointed from among the members of the client. It makes sense for the vice-president to be one of the client’s members with professional expertise. He replaces the president in his absence and must therefore chair meetings and make the jury operational.

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Naročnik natečaja je tista pravna ali fizična oseba, ki naroči in financira izvedbo natečaja. Naročnik natečaja ima v skladu s Pravilnikom o natečajih v ocenjevalni komisiji večino. Včasih v okviru naročnika pri natečaju sodelujejo tudi bodoči uporabniki predmeta natečaja. Naročniki natečaja so lahko javne ali privatne osebe.

Related Terms and Links

sodelujoči pri natečajujavni naročnikprivatni naročniknaročnik - uporabnik

Client (EN)


The client of a competition is the legal or natural person who commissions and finances the execution of a competition. In accordance with the Rules on competitions, the client has a majority in the jury. Sometimes future users of the building that is the subject of the competition also participate in the jury, on the side of the client. Competition clients may be public or private persons.

Related Terms and Links

Entities participating in the competitionPublic clientPrivate clientClient - user

naročnik - uporabnik


Zaželeno je, da tudi uporabnik objekta, ki je predmet natečaja, sodeluje pri natečaju. Običajno so uporabniki k natečaju povabljeni s strani naročnika. Včasih je uporabnik predmeta natečaja hkrati tudi naročnik natečaja. Uporabnik lahko s svojimi praktičnimi izkušnjami pomembno prispeva h kvaliteti natečajne naloge in tudi k procesu izbire najprimernejše rešitve v fazi natečaja. Po izvedbi gradnje lahko uporabnik pomembno prispeva h kvalitativni oceni uspešnosti natečajnega postopka in investicije kot celote.

Related Terms and Links

naročniksodelujoči pri natečajujavni naročnikprivatni naročnik

Client - user (EN)


It is desirable that the user of the object that is the subject of the competition also participates in the competition. Usually, users are invited to the competition by the client. Sometimes the user is also the contracting authority of the competition. With his practical experience, the user can make an important contribution to the quality of the competition task and also to the process of selecting the most suitable solution at the evaluation stage. After the construction is carried out, the user can significantly contribute to the qualitative assessment of the success of the competition procedure and the investment as a whole.

Related Terms and Links

ClientEntities participating in the competitionPublic clientPrivate client



Natečaj je postopek, ki naročniku omogoči, da za razpisano nalogo s pomočjo ocenjevalne komisije izbere strokovno najprimernejšo rešitev in, če je tako opredeljeno v razpisni dokumentaciji, tudi izdelovalca projektne dokumentacije. Uporablja se za naloge s področja arhitekture, urbanističnega planiranja, inženirskih objektov (npr. mostovi, stolpi), krajinske arhitekture in umetniško-prostorskih inštalacij (npr. spomeniki). V okviru natečaja se na podlagi natečajne naloge, natečajnih pogojev in meril za ocenjevanje skozi primerjalni proces ocenjevanja, ki ga izvede kompetentna žirija, izbere najboljša rešitev. Ločimo odprte in zaprte (vabljene natečaje), idejne in projektne natečaje ter eno, dvo in večstopenjske natečaje. Natečaji so lahko glede na vrsto naloge urbanistični, arhitekturni in krajinsko-arhitekturni. Rezultat projektnega natečaja je naročilo za izdelavo projektne dokumentacije, ki se praviloma odda zmagovalcu natečaja, in v nadaljevanju tudi izvedba zmagovalnega projekta. Razvrstitev in način izvedbe natečaja opredeljujejo členi 19. do 25. Pravilnika o javnih natečajih, Zakon o javnih naročilih pa navaja pravila, ki veljajo za natečaje v petem poglavju (100.– 104. člen).

Related Terms and Links

odprti natečajvabljeni natečajenostopenjski, dvostopenjski in večstopenjski natečajprojektni natečajurbanistični natečajarhitekturni natečajkrajinskoarhitekturni natečajmednarodni natečajidejni natečaj

Competition (EN)


A competition is a procedure that enables the contracting authority to select the professionally most suitable solution for a tendered task with the assistance of an evaluation committee (jury) and, if so specified in the competition documentation, also the manufacturer of the project documentation. It is used for tasks in the field of architecture, urban planning, engineering structures (e.g. bridges, towers), landscape architecture and artistic and spatial installations (e.g. monuments). In competitions, the best solution is selected based on the competition brief, the competition rules and the evaluation criteria using a comparative evaluation process carried out by a competent jury. We distinguish between open and closed (invited competitions), conceptual and design competitions and one, two- or multi-level competitions. Depending on the type of assignment, competitions may be urbanistic, architectural and landscape-architectural. The result of the design competition is a contract for the preparation of project documentation, which is usually submitted to the winner of the competition and subsequently also the realization of the winning project. The classification and manner of conducting the competition are defined by Articles 19 to 25 of the Rules on Public Competitions, while the Public Procurement Act lists the rules applicable to competitions in chapter five (Articles 100–104).

Related Terms and Links

Open competitionCompetition by invitationSingle stage, two stage and multi stage competitionProject competitionUrban planning competitionArchitectural competitionLandscape architecture competitionInternational competitionIdea competition

Natečaj za pridobitev izvajalca za celotno projektno dokumentacijo


Rezultat večine natečajev je naročilo izdelave kompletne projektne dokumentacije, ki poleg glavnega načrta vsebuje tudi načrte vseh inženirskih strok, ker se projektna dokumentacija tudi sicer tradicionalno naroča v paketu. Izjemoma, kadar gre za visoke zahteve glede referenc, kadrovskih in finančnih pogojev, se zgodi, da se razpis za druge (inženirske) storitve izvede v drugem, praviloma odprtem postopku javnega naročanja.

General planning competition (EN)


The result of most competitions is the order to produce complete project documentation, which, in addition to the master plan, also contains plans of all engineering disciplines, because project documentation is traditionally ordered in a package. Exceptionally, when it comes to high demands on references, personnel and financial conditions, it happens that a tender for other (engineering) services is carried out in another, as a rule, open public procurement procedure.

natečajna naloga _ B


Natečajna naloga (B) je bistveni element razpisne dokumentacije. Predstavlja projektno nalogo za izdelavo natečajnega elaborata ter mora biti izdelana kot tekstualno in slikovno gradivo v obliki podatkov, usmeritev in zahtev, iz katerih jasno in nedvoumno izhaja, kaj si naročnik natečaja v zvezi z nameravano ureditvijo oziroma gradnjo želi oziroma predstavlja (Pravilnik o javnih natečajih, 42. člen). ZAPS ima priročnik za izdelavo natečajnih gradiv. Bistveni elementi natečajne naloge so: opis naloge in cilji natečaja, opis natečajnega območja (podatki o prostorskih aktih, zahtevah nosilcev urejanja, zgodovina, lastništvo ipd.), opis programske naloge naročnika (program, tehnologija, prostorske in druge zahteve ipd.), etapnost gradnje idr. Kvalitetna izdelava natečajne naloge je bistvena za uspeh natečaja in izvedbo projekta.

Related Terms and Links

dokumentacija za razpis natečaja

Competition brief_ B (EN)


B_ Competition brief is an essential element of the competition documents. It represents the project task for the preparation of the competition entry and must be prepared as textual and pictorial material in the form of data, guidelines and requirements, from which it clearly and unambiguously follows what the client wants regarding the intended arrangement or construction (Rules on public competitions, Article 42). ZAPS has a manual for creating competition brief. The essential elements of the competition brief are: description of the task and objectives of the competition, description of the competition area (information on spatial documents, requirements of public consent givers, history, ownership, etc.), description of the programme task of the client (programme, technology, spatial and other requirements, etc.), construction stages, etc. Quality preparation of the competition brief is essential for the success of the competition and the implementation of the project.

Related Terms and Links

Competition documentation

natečajne podloge _ C


C_natečajne podloge so gradivo, ki natečajnikom služi za izdelavo natečajnega elaborata. V celoti ali deloma so vključene v grafični ali tekstualni del natečajnih elaboratov. Najpogostejše natečajne podloge so: geodetski posnetek z vrisanim natečajnim območjem, aerofoto območja, fotodokumentacija območja, tabela površin in shema plakatov.

Related Terms and Links

dokumentacija za razpis natečaja

Competition basis _ C (EN)


C_competition basis are materials that serve competitors to produce a competition entry. They are included in whole or in part in the graphic or textual part of the competition entries. The most common competition basis are: geodetic image with a drawn competition area, aerial photo of the area, photo documentation of the area, spreadsheet with surfaces and poster scheme.

Related Terms and Links

Competition documentation

natečajne priloge _ D


D_natečajne priloge so gradivo, ki jih natečajnik uporabi za poglobljeno in razširjeno seznanjanje o problemu natečaja. Najpogostejše natečajne priloge so: prostorski akti, strokovna mnenja in študije, pogoji in usmeritve nosilcev komunalne infrastrukture, pomembni pravilniki in drugi normativi vezani na vsebino natečaja ter predhodne prostorske preveritve.

Related Terms and Links

dokumentacija za razpis natečaja

Competition appendices _ D (EN)


D_ competition appendices are materials used by the competitor to inform themselves in depth about the competition problem. The most common competition appendices are: spatial documents, expert opinions and studies, conditions and guidelines of municipal infrastructure managers, important rules and other norms related to the content of the competition, preliminary spatial checks.

Related Terms and Links

Competition documentation

natečajni elaborat


Natečajni elaborat je sestavljen iz gradiva, s katerim natečajnik predstavi svojo natečajno rešitev ter katerega obseg in zahtevana oblika je opredeljena v A_natečajnih pogojih (npr. mapa, plakati, maketa, elektronski nosilec ipd) (Pravilnik o javnih natečajih, 51. člen).

Related Terms and Links

dokumentacija, ki jo odda natečajnik - natečajno ponudbena dokumentacijavsebina plakatov in map

Competition entry (EN)


The competition entry consists of material by which the applicant presents his or her competition solution. The scope and form required are defined in A_ competition rules (e.g. folder, posters, model, electronic carrier, etc.). (Rules on open competitions, Article 51)

Related Terms and Links

Documentation submitted by the competitor - Competition tender documentationContents of posters and folders

natečajni pogoji _ A


A_ natečajni pogoji so dokument, v katerem se določijo formalne zahteve za sodelovanje natečajnikov, formalna pravila izvedbe natečajnega postopka, vsi pomembni roki, nagradni sklad in odškodnine, način in oblika, v kateri morajo natečajniki pripraviti rešitev, ter merila za ocenjevanje elaboratov. V natečajnih pogojih so lahko napovedane tudi zahteve za oddajo javnega naročila storitve projektiranja, čeprav gre praviloma za ločen postopek, ki sledi natečaju. Opredelitev natečajnih pogojev je v Pravilniku o javnih natečajih opisana v 39. členu, Zakon o javnem naročanju pa v 2. členu (9. točka) govori o dokumentih v zvezi z oddajo javnega naročila.

Related Terms and Links

dokumentacija za razpis natečaja

Competition rules_ A (EN)


A_ competition rules are a document setting out the formal requirements for participants of competitions, the formal rules governing the conduct of the competition procedure, all relevant deadlines, the prize and compensation pool, the manner and form in which candidates must prepare a solution and the criteria for evaluating the entries. Requirements for the award of a design service contract may also be announced in the competition specifications, although as a general rule it is a separate procedure following a competition. The definition of competition conditions is described in Article 39 of the Rules on public competitions, while the Public Procurement Act refers to documents relating to the award of public contracts (Article 2, point 9).

Related Terms and Links

Competition documentation



Natečajniki so pravne ali fizične osebe, ki se udeležijo natečaja s svojimi natečajnimi elaborati (Pravilnik o javnih natečajih, 11. člen). Natečajnik oz. natečajna skupina je sestavljena iz avtorjev in gospodarskega subjekta – projektanta.

Related Terms and Links

gospodarski subjekt - projektantvodja projektiranjaavtorsodelavec avtorja

Competitors (EN)


Competitors are legal or natural persons who take part in a competition with their own competition entries. (Rules on open competitions, Article 11). The competition group consists of authors and business entity - designer.

Related Terms and Links

Business entity - DesignerDesign managerAuthorAuthor's collaborator

nebistvene sestavine natečajno ponudbene dokumentacije


Nebistvene sestavine so tisti sestavni deli natečajno ponudbene dokumentacije, brez prisotnosti katerih lahko ocenjevalna komisija izvede ocenjevanje prejetih natečajnih elaboratov in izpolnjevanje pogojev za sodelovanje, kot so opredeljeni v natečajnih pogojih.

Related Terms and Links

predhodni in naknadni preizkus

Non-essential components of competition tender documentation (EN)


The non-essential elements are those components of the competition tender documentation without the presence of which the jury may carry out the evaluation and the preliminary and the subsequent test of the competition entries received.

Related Terms and Links

Preliminary and subsequent test

objava rezultatov natečaja


Po določitvi zmagovalcev ocenjevalna komisija (žirija) pripravi zaključno poročilo, v katerem strokovno utemelji vrstni red elaboratov. Zaključno poročilo komisije je priloga dokumenta Obvestilo o izidu, s katerim naročnik formalno razglasi rezultate natečaja. Obvestilo o izidu z zaključnim poročilom se objavi na istem portalu, na katerem je bil objavljen natečaj (portal javnih naročil ali portal naročnika oziroma organizatorja).

Related Terms and Links

zaključno poročilo ocenjevalne komisijepriporočila ocenjevalne komisijeobvestilo o izidurevizija

Publication of the competition results (EN)


After determining the winners, the evaluation committee (jury) prepares a final report in which it explicitly substantiates the order of the entries. The final report of the jury is an annex to the document Notice of Results, by which the client formally announces the results of the competition. A notice of results with a final report is published on the same portal on which the competition was published (public procurement portal or client or organiser portal).

Related Terms and Links

Report of the juryRecommendations of the juryNotice of resultsRevision

oblika elaborata


Ocenjevalna komisija v natečajnih pogojih definira, katere prikaze želi dobiti od natečajnikov. Določijo se zahtevane situacije, tlorisi, prerezi ter merilo prikaza. Merilo mora biti primerno natečajni stopnji obdelave in ne preveč natančno. Velikokrat je smiselno zahtevati merilo in natančnost risanja 1 : 100 ter merilo prikaza 1 : 200. Nivo obdelave natečajnih elaboratov ne sme biti natančnejši od nivoja IDZ (42. člen Pravilnika o javnih natečajih). Izdelovalec natečajne naloge določi ustrezen format za plakate in minimalno potrebno število plakatov, glede na zahtevano vsebino. Pri vsebini pisnega dela (praviloma mapa formata A3) se priporoča, da je obrazložitev strukturirana po merilih za ocenjevanje. Ocenjevalna komisija na svoji 1. seji lahko postavi tudi drugačne zahteve.

Related Terms and Links

dokumentacija za razpis natečajanatečajni pogoji _ A

Form of the competition entry (EN)


In the competition rules, the jury defines which displays it wishes to obtain from the competitors. The required situations, floor plans, cross-sections and display scale shall be determined. The requested scale of plans must be appropriate for the competition and not too precise. Many times, it makes sense to require a 1:100 drawing scale precision and a 1:200 display scale. The level of detail required must not be more precise than the conceptual level (Article 42 of the Rules on Public Competitions). The manufacturer of the competition brief shall determine the appropriate format for posters and the minimum number of posters required, depending on the content. As regards the content of a written work (typically an A3-sized folder), it is recommended that the textual justification is structured according to the evaluation criteria. The jury may also set different requirements at its 1st meeting.

Related Terms and Links

Competition documentationCompetition rules_ A

obvestilo o izidu


Obvestilo o izidu je dokument, s katerim naročnik razglasi prejemnike nagrad in priznanj, pri čemer izhaja iz rezultatov zaključnega poročila ocenjevalne komisije (žirije). Zaključno poročilo je obvezna priloga Obvestila o izidu (60. člen Pravilnika o javnih natečajih in 90. člena Zakona o javnih naročilih).

Related Terms and Links

objava rezultatov natečaja

Notice of results (EN)


Notice of Results is a document by which the client announces the recipients of prizes and awards, based on the results of the final report of the jury. The final report is a mandatory annex to the Notice of Results. (Rules on public competitions Article 60 and Public Procurement Act Article 90).

Related Terms and Links

Publication of the competition results

obveznost izvedbe natečajev


Obveznost izvedbe natečajev je opredeljena ali v Zakonu o javnem naročanju ali v Zakonu o urejanju prostora ali v prostorskih aktih.

Related Terms and Links

zakonodajni okvir natečajev

Obligation to conduct competitions (EN)


The obligation to conduct competitions is defined either in the Public Procurement Act or in the Spatial Planning Act or in spatial planning documents.

Related Terms and Links

Legislative framework of competitions

ocena investicije projekta


Ocena investicije projekta, ki je običajno navedena v natečajnih pogojih ali natečajni nalogi, vključuje ocenjeni skupni znesek za izgradnjo vseh načrtovanih ureditev, ki so opredeljene v natečajni nalogi (npr. rušitev obstoječih stavb, izgradnja nove stavbe, izvedba notranje opreme in zunanje ureditve ter izgradnja nove komunalne infrastrukture). Oceno investicije poda naročnik. Natečajnik skupaj z rešitvijo poda tudi projektantsko oceno investicije za svojo rešitev. Da se zagotovi enakovredna primerjava med investicijskimi ocenami, je med sodelavce natečaja praviloma vključen tudi izvedenec za investicijo, ki z enakimi merili analizira vse ali zgolj izbrane rešitve.

Related Terms and Links

dokumentacija za razpis natečajanatečajni pogoji _ A

Assessment of investment costs (EN)


The assessment of the investment value of the project, which is usually indicated in the competition rules or in the competition brief, includes the estimated total amount for the construction of all planned arrangements defined in the competition brief (e.g. demolition of existing buildings, construction of a new building, implementation of interior design and arrangements, and construction of new municipal infrastructure). The assessment of the investment is given by the client. Together with the solution, the competitor also provides an investment value assessment of his solution. In order to ensure an equivalent comparison between investment assessments, an investment expert is usually part of the jury helpers, and he analyses all or only selected solutions with the same criteria.

Related Terms and Links

Competition documentationCompetition rules_ A

ocenjevalna komisija (žirija)


Ocenjevalna komisija (žirija) je sestavljena iz predsednika, podpredsednika, članov naročnika, članov stroke (zbornica) ter namestnika naročnika in namestnika člana stroke (zbornica). Ocenjevalna komisija mora biti sestavljena skladno s Pravilnikom o natečajih (44. člen). Naloge ocenjevalne komisije so, da pregleda razpisno dokumentacijo in po potrebi predlaga dopolnitve, sodeluje pri pripravi odgovorov na vprašanja, ocenjuje natečajne elaborate v skladu z merili za ocenjevanje ter ob spoštovanju temeljnih načel natečaja in usmeritev Pravilnika o natečajih pripravi pisno obrazložitev in utemeljitev vrstnega reda elaboratov (zaključno poročilo) ter sodeluje z naročnikom in organizatorjem v primeru revizije.

Related Terms and Links

predsednik ocenjevalne komisije (žirije)namestnik predsednika ocenjevalne komisije (žirije)člani naročnika v ocenjevalni komisiji (žiriji)člani stroke v ocenjevalni komisiji (žiriji)namestnik člana stroke in namestnik člana naročnika v ocenjevalni komisiji (žiriji)pravila za izbor ocenjevalne komisije (žirije)

Jury (EN)


The jury consists of a president, vice-president, members of the client, members of the profession (chamber) and deputy members of the client and the profession (chamber). The jury must be drawn up in accordance with the Rules on competitions (Article 44). The tasks of the jury shall be: review the competition documentation and, if necessary, propose amendments, participate in the preparation of answers to questions, evaluate the entries in accordance with the evaluation criteria and respecting the basic principles of the competition and the guidelines of the Rules on competitions, prepare a written explanation and justification of the order of the entries (final report), and cooperate with the client and the organiser in the event of a revision.

Related Terms and Links

President of the juryVice-president of the juryMembers of the client in the juryMembers of the profession in the juryDeputy member of the profession and deputy member of the client in the juryRules for the selection of the jury



Cilj ocenjevanja je izbor vsebinsko najboljše rešitve. Ocenjevanje poteka skladno z razpisanimi merili za ocenjevanje in ob spoštovanju temeljnih načel natečaja (Pravilnik o javnih natečajih, 3. člen). Ocenjevalna komisija pri svojem delu upošteva ugotovitve poročevalcev, izvedencev in procesna navodila skrbnika. Ocenjevanje običajno poteka v več ocenjevalnih krogih. Rezultat ocenjevanja je določitev zmagovalcev (prejemnikov prve, druge in tretje nagrade) in določitev prejemnikov enakovrednih priznanj. Ocenjevalni komisiji se priporoča, da do rezultatov pride soglasno, skozi izčrpno razpravo, v kateri se izluščijo prednosti in pomanjkljivosti posameznih rešitev. Če to ni mogoče, se vrstni red določi z glasovanjem.

Related Terms and Links

potek ocenjevanjasklepčnostporočilo predhodnega pregledadodelavaodločitev žirije - določitev nagrad in priznanjglasovanje

Evaluation (EN)


The goal of the evaluation is to select the best solution in terms of content. The evaluation is carried out in accordance with the published evaluation criteria and in compliance with the basic principles of the competition (Rules on open competitions, Article 3). In its work, the jury shall take into account the findings of rapporteurs, experts and procedural instructions of the competition administrator. The evaluation usually takes place in several assessment rounds. The result of the evaluation is to determine the winners (winners of the first, second and third prizes) and to determine the recipients of equivalent awards. The evaluation committee is recommended to produce results unanimously, through a comprehensive discussion in which the strengths and weaknesses of individual solutions are identified. If this is not possible, the order shall be determined by vote.

Related Terms and Links

Evaluation methodQuorumPreliminary assessment reportAdditional completition phaseDecision of the jury - determination of prizes and awardsVoting

oddaja elaboratov


V natečajnih pogojih je določen kraj, kamor mora natečajnikov elaborat prispeti, in točen datum z navedbo ure, do katere mora natečajnikov elaborat prispeti. Pravočasnost prispetja na predpisano lokacijo je opredeljena kot pogoj in elaborati, ki tega ne izpolnjujejo, niso pripuščeni v ocenjevanje. Način dostave elaboratov običajno ni predpisan (možna osebna dostava, pošta, kurir ipd.). Elaborate se oddaja fizično v enem ali več omotih, ki ne razkrivajo avtorstva in so označeni s šifro natečajnika.

Related Terms and Links

rok za oddajo elaboratovčas za izdelavo elaboratovpravočasnost

Submission of competition entries (EN)


The competition rules specify the place where the competition entry must arrive and the exact date by which the competition entry must arrive. The timeliness of arrival at the prescribed location is defined as a condition and entries that do not meet it are not included in evaluation. The method of delivery of entries is usually not prescribed (possible personal delivery, mail, courier, etc.). Entries are submitted physically in one or more wrappers that do not reveal authorship and are identified by the code of the competitor.

Related Terms and Links

Submission deadlineTime to produce competition solutionsTimeliness

odločitev žirije - določitev nagrad in priznanj


Ocenjevalna komisija (žirija), upoštevajoč merila za ocenjevanje, razvrsti natečajne rešitve ter določi prejemnike nagrad in priznanj. Določitev vrstnega reda praviloma poteka skozi razpravo, soglasno, torej brez glasovanja. Če to ni mogoče, se ocenjuje z glasovanjem. Na zaključni seji, kjer se določijo zmagovalci in prejemniki priznanj, mora biti zagotovljena polna sklepčnost (prisotni vsi člani ocenjevalne komisije). Vrstni red nagrad in priznanj komisija utemelji v zaključnem poročilu.

Related Terms and Links

ocenjevanjeglasovanjezmagovalec – prejemnik nagrade

Decision of the jury - determination of prizes and awards (EN)


Taking into account the evaluation criteria, the jury ranks the competition entries and identifies the recipients of prizes and awards. As a rule, the determination of the order takes place through discussion, unanimously, that is, without a vote. If this is not possible, it shall be assessed by vote. At the final meeting, where the winners and recipients of the awards are identified, a full quorum must be provided (all members of the jury are present). The order of prizes and awards shall be justified by the commission in its final report.

Related Terms and Links

EvaluationVotingWinner - the recipient of a prize

odprti natečaj


Odprti natečaj je javni natečaj, pri katerem lahko na način in pod razpisanimi pogoji svojo rešitev predložijo vsi, ki imajo za to interes. Skladno s Pravilnikom za natečaje je odprti natečaj obvezna oblika za javne naročnike in tudi privatne naročnike, za katere je izvedba natečaja obvezna (npr. zaradi urbanističnih določil).

Related Terms and Links


Open competition (EN)


An open competition is a competition in which anyone with an interest can submit their entry in the manner and under tendered conditions. In accordance with the Rules on competitions, an open competition is a mandatory form for public clients as well as private clients who are obliged to perform a competition (e.g. due to urban planning provisions).

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odškodnine - odškodninski sklad


Odškodninski sklad predstavlja skupni znesek, ki je namenjen izplačilu odškodnin. Odškodnina predstavlja delno finančno nadomestilo materialnih stroškov natečajnikom oz. gospodarskim subjektom.

Related Terms and Links

nagradno odškodninski sklad

Compensation - Compensation fund (EN)


The Compensation fund represents the total amount used to pay compensation. Compensation represents partial financial compensation of material costs to competitors or business entities.

Related Terms and Links

Prize and compensation fund

organizator natečaja


Organizator in izvajalec natečaja je ustrezno usposobljena pravna ali fizična oseba, ki za naročnika pripravi in izvede natečaj. V skladu s Pravilnikom o natečajih (6. člen) naročnik najprej pozove poklicno zbornico, da zanj organizira in izvede natečaj. Če zbornica od sodelovanja odstopi, natečaj izvede naročnik sam ali izvedbo poveri drugi strokovno usposobljeni osebi. Organizator in izvajalec natečaja je ustrezno usposobljena pravna ali fizična oseba, ki za naročnika pripravi in izvede natečaj. Organizator pripravi natečajne pogoje, pregleda natečajno nalogo, podloge in priloge ter po potrebi predlaga dopolnitve, sodeluje z naročnikom pri imenovanju ocenjevalne komisije in sodelavcev, razpisuje seje ter zagotovi prostor za izvedbo sej in hrambo elaboratov, nadzoruje proces natečaja in svetuje naročniku v smislu skladnosti s Pravilnikom o natečajih, na željo naročnika zagotavlja ustrezno pravno pomoč ter pomaga naročniku pri morebitnih revizijah postopka.

Related Terms and Links

sodelujoči pri natečajuZakon o javnem naročanjunaročnikZbornica za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije (ZAPS)načela izvedbe natečajevdokumentacija za razpis natečaja

Competition organiser (EN)


The organiser and executor of the competition shall be a suitably qualified legal or natural person who prepares and carries out the competition for the contracting authority - client. In accordance with the Rules on competitions (Article 6), the client first invites the chamber to organise and conduct a competition for him. If the chamber withdraws from participating, the competition is carried out by the client itself or entrusted to another professionally qualified person. The organiser and contractor of the competition shall be a suitably qualified legal or natural person who prepares and carries out the competition for the contracting authority/ client. The organiser prepares the competition rules, reviews the competition brief, competition basis and appendices and, if necessary, proposes amendments, cooperates with the client in appointing the jury and helpers, calls for meetings and provides space for the execution of meetings and storage of entries, supervises the competition process and advises the client in terms of compliance with the Rules on competitions, provides appropriate legal assistance at the request of the client, and assists the client in any revisions of the procedure.

Related Terms and Links

Entities participating in the competitionPublic Procurement Law (PPA)ClientChamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia (ZAPS)Principles of conducting competitionsCompetition documentation

plačilo nagrad in honorarjev


Nagrade, priznanja, odškodnine in honorarje za delo ocenjevalne komisije ter sodelavcev je mogoče izplačati šele po pravnomočnosti rezultatov natečaja. Izplačevalec je naročnik ali organizator natečaja.

Payment of prizes and fees (EN)


Prizes, awards, compensation and fees for the work of the jury and staff can only be paid after the results of the competition have become final. The payer is the client or the organiser of the competition. Compensation and fees for the work of the jury and staff can be paid only after the results of the competition have become final.

platforma za objavo natečaja


Natečaj se prične z dnem objave natečaja na portalu javnih naročil (če natečaj poteka v skladu z Zakonom o javnih naročilih), na spletni strani ZAPS (če natečaj organizira ZAPS) ali na spletni strani naročnika (če gre za prostovoljni natečaj). Prevzem razpisne dokumentacije za natečaj je brezplačen. ZAPS na svoji spletni strani hrani arhiv vseh natečajev, ki jih je organiziral ZAPS, ter objavlja natečajni semafor za natečaje javnih naročnikov, ki jih organizirajo ti sami. Na semaforju so z rdečo, rumeno ali zeleno lučjo glede na razpisno dokumentacijo označeni bistveni elementi natečaja (zastopanost stroke v ocenjevalni komisiji – žiriji, upoštevanje zmagovalnega vrstnega reda pri oddaji storitve projektiranja, sorazmernost zahtevanih referenc, ustreznost roka oddaje in prenos avtorskih pravic).

Related Terms and Links

portal javnih naročil

Platform for publishing the competition (EN)


The competition starts on the day of publication of the competition on the Public Procurement Portal (if the competition is conducted in accordance with the Public Procurement Act), on the ZAPS website (if the competition is organised by ZAPS) or on the client's website (if it is a voluntary competition). The tender documents for the competition shall be downloaded free of charge. ZAPS keeps on its website an archive of all competitions organised by ZAPS and publishes a competition traffic light for competitions organised by public clients themselves. According to the tender documents, the traffic light indicates with a red, yellow or green light the essential elements of the competition (representation of the profession in the jury, respecting the winning order when submitting the design service, proportionality of the required references, adequacy of the deadline for submission and transfer of copyright).

Related Terms and Links

Public procurement portal

podpis pogodbe za projektiranje


Za posel projektiranja se lahko potegujejo samo prejemniki nagrad. Po pravnomočnosti rezultatov natečaja naročnik izvede pogajanja, ki jim sledi podpis pogodbe za projektiranje. Prejemniki nagrad so praviloma na pogajanja vabljeni v kaskadnem vrstnem redu, upoštevajoč zaključno poročilo ocenjevalne komisije (žirije). Torej najprej prejemnik prve nagrade; če pogajanja z njim ne uspejo, naprej v padajočem vrstnem redu nagrad. Vsebina pogajanj so običajno cena, roki in obseg del. Izhodišče za pogajanja je informativna ponudba, ki jo je natečajnik oddal skupaj s svojo rešitvijo. Če pogajanja potekajo v skladu z Zakonom o javnem naročanju, mora zmagovalec pred izvedbo pogajanj naročniku dostaviti dokazila, s katerimi izkaže, da zanj ne obstajajo razlogi za izključitev (Zakon o javnih naročilih, 75. člen)

Related Terms and Links

kaskadno napredovanjeizpolnjevanje obveznih pogojev ZJN

Signing the design contract (EN)


Only winners (recipients of prizes) may compete for a design job. Once the results of the competition have become final, the client carries out negotiations, followed by the signing of the design contract. As a rule, prize winners are invited to negotiate in cascading order, taking into account the final report of the jury. So, first, the winner of the first prize, and if the negotiations with him fail, following the descending order of prizes. The content of the negotiations is usually price, deadlines and the volume of works. The starting point for the negotiations is an informative offer submitted by the competitor together with his entry. If negotiations are conducted in accordance with the Public Procurement Act, before conducting negotiations, the winner must provide the client with supporting documents proving that there are no grounds for exclusion (Public Procurement Act, Article 75).

Related Terms and Links

Cascading progressionFulfillment of the mandatory conditions of the PPA

pogodba o izdelavi projektne dokumentacije


Zaključenemu projektnemu natečaju sledi razpis za izdelavo projektne dokumentacije. Vzorec pogodbe za izdelavo projektne dokumentacije ni del razpisne natečajne dokumentacije, so pa običajno v natečajnih pogojih napovedane bistvene zahteve, ki jih bo naročnik zahteval v pogodbi, saj je del natečajnega elaborata tudi informativna ponudba natečajnika za projektiranje. Kadar natečaj poteka po a) točki 100. člena Zakona o javnem naročanju, je vzorec pogodbe že del razpisne dokumentacije natečaja. Takih natečajev je malo, saj je priprava takega natečaja izjemno zahtevna, možnosti za naknadno dopolnjevanje zahtev naročnika pa so zelo omejene.

Related Terms and Links

dokumentacija za razpis natečajanatečajni pogoji _ A

Contract on the production of project documentation (EN)


The completed project competition is followed by a tender for the preparation of project documentation. The contract sample for the preparation of project documentation is not part of the competition documents, but the competition rules usually announce the essential requirements that the client will require in the contract since part of the competitor’s entry is also the informative offer for design. In case where the competition follows point a) of Article 100 of Public Procurement Act, the contract sample is already part of the competition documentation. There are only few such competitions, as the preparation of such a competition is extremely demanding and the possibilities for subsequently supplementing the requirements of the contracting authority – client are very limited.

Related Terms and Links

Competition documentationCompetition rules_ A

pogoji za sodelovanje v vabljenem natečaju


Vabljeni natečaj lahko javni naročnik uporabi samo v primeru, če vrednost investicije nameravanega posega ne presega mejne vrednosti za objavo v Uradnem listu EU ter kadar je natečajna naloga zelo specifična in ni možno računati na veliko natečajnikov s takimi specialnimi znanji oziroma če lahko natečajno nalogo izpolni samo vnaprej znano število za izvedbo naloge sposobnih natečajnikov. Pogoji za sodelovanje so objavljeni v okviru prve stopnje natečaja ali pred razpisom natečaja. Natečajno rešitev pa lahko predložijo samo natečajniki, ki izpolnjujejo zahtevane pogoje.

Related Terms and Links

natečajvabljeni natečaj

Selection criteria in a competition by invitation (EN)


An invited competition may be used by the contracting authority - client only where the investment value of the intended intervention does not exceed the threshold for publication in the Official Journal of the EU and where the competition task is very specific and a large number of candidates with such special skills cannot be counted on or if the competition can only be completed by a predetermined number of candidates capable of performing the task. The conditions for participation shall be announced in the first stage of the competition or before the notice of competition. However, only candidates who meet the required conditions may submit a competition solution.

Related Terms and Links

CompetitionCompetition by invitation

pomen natečajev za razvoj stroke


Gradnja javnih stavb in ureditev je javne narave, zato mora vsem omogočati pozitivno prostorsko izkušnjo: dostopnost, uporabnost, energetsko učinkovitost, varnost, trdnost, udobje in lepoto. Država, lokalne skupnosti in druge osebe javnega prava morajo biti zgled pri zagotavljanju kakovostnih meril in postopkov pri urejanju in načrtovanju grajenega javnega prostora. Postopki naročanja morajo biti javni in transparentni. Javni arhitekturni in urbanistični natečaji so najprimernejši postopki za pridobivanje rešitev za gradnjo stavb in urejanje prostora. Le tako je mogoče med različnimi možnostmi izbrati optimalno rešitev in sprejeti najustreznejšo odločitev kot podlago za kakovostno načrtovanje in gradnjo ter za gospodarno vodenje investicij. Ker je javni sektor največji investitor v družbi, mora skrbeti za premišljeno in inovativno načrtovanje, postavljati prioritete in spodbujati dobre prakse. Z gradnjo iz javnih sredstev postavlja splošna in posebna merila kakovosti za vse udeležene. Posegi v prostor so praviloma vsestranske in zahtevne naloge, ki vplivajo na večje število deležnikov z različnimi interesi. Natečaj je postopek, ki zagotavlja javnost in uveljavitev javne koristi ter transparentno usklajevanje deležnikov, s čimer se bistveno zmanjšata možnost napačnih odločitev in nasprotovanje načrtovanemu posegu. Natečaj hkrati omogoča tudi promocijo projekta še pred začetkom izvedbe, kar je še posebej pomembno pri objektih javnega značaja.

Related Terms and Links

arhitekturna politika

Importance of competitions for the development of the profession (EN)


The construction of public buildings and arrangements is public in nature, so it must provide everyone with a positive spatial experience: accessibility, usability, energy efficiency, safety, solidity, comfort and beauty. The state, local communities and other bodies governed by public law should set an example in ensuring quality criteria and procedures in the arrangement and planning of the built public space. Procurement procedures shall be public and transparent. Public architectural and urban planning competitions are the most appropriate procedures for obtaining solutions for building construction and spatial planning. Only in this way can the optimal solution be chosen from different options and the most appropriate decision can be made as the basis for quality planning and construction and economical investment management. Since the public sector is the largest investor in society, it must take care of thoughtful and innovative planning, set priorities and promote good practices. By building from public funds, it sets general and specific quality standards for all involved. As a rule, spatial interventions are versatile and demanding tasks that affect a large number of stakeholders with different interests. A competition is a process that ensures the public and the promotion of public benefit, as well as transparent stakeholder coordination, thus significantly reducing the possibility of wrong decisions and opposition to planned intervention. At the same time, the competition also enables the promotion of the project even before the start of its implementation, which is especially important for public objects.

Related Terms and Links


popolnost natečajno ponudbene dokumentacije


Popolnost natečajno ponudbene dokumentacije pomeni, da so prisotni vsi bistveni sestavni deli, ki omogočajo enakovredno ocenjevanje rešitve in preverjanje izpolnjevanja pogojev natečaja.

Related Terms and Links

predhodni in naknadni preizkus

Completeness of competition tender documentation (EN)


The completeness of the competitor's entry (competition tender documentation) means that all the essential components are present to enable the solution to be evaluated equally and the conditions of the competition to be verified.

Related Terms and Links

Preliminary and subsequent test

poročevalec ocenjevalne komisije (žirije)


Poročevalec je posameznik, ki pripravi podrobno poročilo o prejetih natečajnih elaboratih in pomaga pri delu ocenjevalne komisije (žirije). Imenuje ga organizator natečaja, lahko pa tudi naročnik. Poročevalec je prisoten na vseh sejah, kjer pomaga članom ocenjevalne komisije s podatki iz poročila. Ocenjevalno komisijo opozarja na morebitne spregledane značilnosti elaboratov. Poročevalec mora imeti ustrezno izobrazbo in opravljen strokovni izpit. Poročevalec ne sme podajati vrednostnih sodb o posameznih elaboratih in nima glasovalne pravice. Zaželeno je, da izdelovalec natečajne naloge sodeluje pri natečaju tudi kot poročevalec, saj je podrobno seznanjen s projektom.

Related Terms and Links

sodelavci ocenjevalne komisije - žirijeocenjevalna komisija (žirija)

Rapporteur of the jury (EN)


The rapporteur is the individual who prepares a detailed report on the competition entries received and assists in the work of the jury. It is appointed by the competition organiser or by the client. The rapporteur shall be present at all meetings where he shall assist the members of the jury with the information contained in the entries. He draws the jury’s attention to any overlooked characteristics of the entries. The rapporteur must have appropriate education and must have passed the professional examination. The rapporteur shall not make value judgments on individual entries and shall not have the right to vote. It is desirable that the creator of the competition brief also participates in the competition as a rapporteur, since he is familiar with the project in detail.

Related Terms and Links

Helpers of the juryJury

poročilo predhodnega pregleda


Poročevalci (npr. urbanizem, arhitektura, krajinska arhitektura) izdelajo podrobno pisno poročilo o vseh elaboratih, ki so bili sprejeti v ocenjevanje. Pred začetkom ocenjevalnega procesa, torej na prvi seji, ocenjevalni komisiji (žiriji) predstavijo svoje poročilo. Izvedenci izdelajo pisno poročilo za vse ali samo za izbrane elaborate glede na svoje strokovno področje (npr. kulturna dediščina, varstvo narave, ocena investicije, tehnologija ipd.). Svoje poročilo komisiji predstavijo na prvi ali eni od naslednjih ocenjevalnih sej. V svojih poročilih poročevalci in izvedenci ne smejo ocenjevati elaboratov, ampak o njih samo kvantitativno poročajo. Komisija lahko poročevalcem in izvedencem med ocenjevalnim procesom naloži dodatno analizo izbranih vidikov najperspektivnejših elaboratov. Pisna poročila poročevalcev in izvedencev so del natečajnega spisa.

Related Terms and Links


Preliminary assessment report (EN)


Rapporteurs (e.g. urban planning, architecture, landscape architecture) draw up a detailed written report on all entries admitted for evaluation. Before the start of the evaluation process, i.e. at the first meeting, they present their report to the jury. Experts prepare a written report for all or only selected studies according to their field of expertise (e.g. cultural heritage, nature conservation, investment assessment, technology, etc.). They shall present their report to the jury at the first or one of the next evaluation meetings. Rapporteurs and experts should not evaluate the entries but shall only report quantitatively. During the evaluation process, the jury may instruct rapporteurs and experts to further analyse selected aspects of the most promising entries. The written reports of rapporteurs and experts form part of the competition dossier.

Related Terms and Links


portal javnih naročil


Portal javnih naročil je spletni portal Ministrstva za javno upravo, kjer se objavljajo vsa javna naročila, skladno z mejnimi vrednostmi za obvezno objavo. Komunikacija pri natečajih, ki so del javnega naročila, poteka izključno preko portala javnih naročil.

Related Terms and Links

platforma za objavo natečajakomunikacija med naročnikom in natečajniki

Public procurement portal (EN)


The Public Procurement Portal is a web portal of the Ministry of Public Administration, where all public contracts are published, in accordance with the thresholds for mandatory publication. Communication in competitions forming part of the public contract takes place exclusively through the public procurement portal.

Related Terms and Links

Platform for publishing the competitionCommunication between the client and competitors

potek ocenjevanja


Ocenjevanje se začne s predstavitvijo vsakega od elaboratov, sprejetih v ocenjevanje, ki ga izvedejo poročevalci in izvedenci. Ocenjevalno komisijo (žirijo) na ta način seznanijo z ustreznostjo elaboratov glede na postavljene usmeritve in vsebinske zahteve (kvantitativni pregled). Komisija potem v več izločevalnih krogih izvede ocenjevanje elaboratov (kvalitativni pregled). Ocenjevanje poteka skozi kvalitativno razpravo, v okviru katere se analizirajo in med seboj primerjajo rešitve. Ocenjevanje poteka praviloma brez glasovanja in odločitve se, če le mogoče, sprejemajo soglasno. Če to ni mogoče, se ocenjuje z glasovanjem. Predsednik žirije si prizadeva, da v ocenjevanju enakopravno sodelujejo vsi člani in namestniki članov. Poročevalci in izvedenci ne smejo ocenjevati elaboratov, ampak o njih samo objektivno poročajo. Rezultat ocenjevanja je podelitev nagrad in priznanj najuspešnejšim elaboratom.

Related Terms and Links

ocenjevanjesklepčnostporočilo predhodnega pregleda

Evaluation method (EN)


The evaluation shall begin with a presentation of each of the entries adopted for evaluation by rapporteurs and experts. In this way, they inform the jury about the suitability of the entries with regard to the set guidelines and substantive requirements (quantitative review). The jury then carries out an evaluation of the entries in several screening rounds (qualitative review). The assessment takes place through a qualitative discussion in which solutions are analysed and compared. As a rule, evaluation shall take place without a vote and decisions shall be taken unanimously whenever possible. If this is not possible, it shall be assessed by vote. The chairman of the jury shall endeavour to ensure equal participation of all members and deputy members in the evaluation. Rapporteurs and experts can’t evaluate the entries, they only report objectively on them. The result of the evaluation is the award of prizes and awards to the most successful entries.

Related Terms and Links

EvaluationQuorumPreliminary assessment report

pravila za izbor ocenjevalne komisije (žirije)


Ocenjevalna komisija (žirija) je v skladu s pravili, ki jih določa Pravilnik o natečajih (44. člen), sestavljena iz lihega števila članov, pri čemer mora imeti naročnik v komisiji večino, prav tako pa mora biti v komisiji večina članov z ustrezno strokovno izobrazbo. To pomeni, da je med člani, ki jih imenuje naročnik, vedno vsaj ena oseba z ustrezno strokovno izobrazbo. Tudi Zakon o javnih naročilih določa, da mora imeti vsaj polovica članov žirije enako ali enakovredno strokovno usposobljenost kot predvideni udeleženci natečaja (103. člen). Naročnikovi člani običajno zelo podrobno poznajo programske zahteve (kot uporabniki ali vodje projekta na strani naročnika), strokovni člani pa poleg programskih zahtev lahko ocenjujejo tudi ostale strokovne vidike rešitev. V intenzivnem ocenjevalnem dialogu žirije med člani naročnika (laiki) in člani s strokovno izobrazbo (predstavniki stroke) naj bi bile za prejemnike nagrad izbrane tiste rešitve, ki kot celota najbolje odgovarjajo na problem in imajo hkrati največji razvojni potencial.

Related Terms and Links

ocenjevalna komisija (žirija)

Rules for the selection of the jury (EN)


In accordance with the rules set out in the Competition Rules (Article 44), the evaluation committee (jury) consists of an odd number of members, the client must have a majority in the committee, and the majority of members in the committee must also have appropriate professional education. This means that among the members appointed by the client, there is always at least one person with an appropriate professional education. The Public Procurement Act also stipulates that at least half of the jury members must have the same or equivalent professional qualifications as the intended participants of the competition (Article 103). The client's members usually know the programme requirements in great detail (as users or project managers on the client's side), and expert members can evaluate other professional aspects of the solutions in addition to the programme requirements. In the intensive evaluation dialogue of the jury between members of the client (laymen) and members with professional education (representatives of the profession), those solutions that best respond to the problem as a whole and at the same time have the greatest development potential are selected as award recipients.

Related Terms and Links


Pravilnik o javnih natečajih


Pravilnik o javnih natečajih določa postopkovne in vsebinske zahteve za izvajanje natečajev.

Related Terms and Links

zakonodajni okvir natečajev

The rules on competitions (EN)


The Rules on competitions lay down the procedural and substantive requirements for the conduct of design competitions.

Related Terms and Links

Legislative framework of competitions



Pravočasnost pomeni, da natečajnikov elaborat (oz. natečajno ponudbena dokumentacija) prispe na predpisano mesto najkasneje do predpisane ure, ne glede na način dostave.

Related Terms and Links

predhodni in naknadni preizkus

Timeliness (EN)


Timeliness means that the competitor's entry (or competition tender documentation) arrives at the prescribed place no later than the prescribed time, regardless of the delivery method.

Related Terms and Links

Preliminary and subsequent test

predhodni in naknadni preizkus


V okviru predhodnega preizkusa se praviloma preverja pravočasnost prispetja, anonimnost, prisotnost vseh sestavnih delov, ki omogočajo ocenjevanje in izjemoma reference. V okviru naknadnega preizkusa se praviloma preverja vpis nominiranega vodje projektiranja v imenik zbornice, registracija gospodarskega subjekta za projektiranje, sodelovanje v zgolj eni avtorski skupini, konflikt interesov ter občasno reference. Neizpolnjevanje pogojev predhodnega ali naknadnega preizkusa pomeni avtomatično izključitev elaborata.

Related Terms and Links

pravočasnostpopolnost natečajno ponudbene dokumentacijevpis v imenik (za vodjo projektiranja)registracija gosp. subjekta - projektantasodelovanje v samo eni avtorski skupinikonflikt interesovreference

Preliminary and subsequent test (EN)


As part of the preliminary test, as a rule, timeliness of arrival, anonymity, the presence of all components that enable evaluation and, exceptionally, references are checked. As part of the subsequent test, as a rule, the entry of the nominated design manager in the chamber's directory, the registration of the business entity for the design, participation in only one author group, conflict of interests and occasional references are checked. Failure to meet the conditions of the preliminary or subsequent test means the automatic exclusion of the entry.

Related Terms and Links

TimelinessCompleteness of competition tender documentationCompulsory chamber membership (for Design manager)Registration of business entity - DesignerParticipation in only one author teamConflict of interestReferences

predsednik ocenjevalne komisije (žirije)


Predsednik ocenjevalne komisije (žirije) je oseba, ki vodi postopek izbire najboljše natečajne rešitve. Predsednik je eden izmed članov, ki jih imenuje stroka (zbornica), določi pa se ga že v fazi imenovanja ocenjevalne komisije. Predsednik ima nekoliko več zadolžitev od navadnih članov. Vodi ocenjevalne seje (po oddaji elaboratov) ter organizira delo članov. Predlaga ter vodi tudi način ocenjevanja v skladu s pravili dobre natečajne prakse. Podpisuje zapisnike oz. dnevnik ocenjevanja in druge dokumente. Navzven predstavlja ocenjevalno komisijo (mediji, pritožbe itd.).

Related Terms and Links

ocenjevalna komisija (žirija)

President of the jury (EN)


The president of the jury is the person who conducts the process of selecting the best competition solution. The president is one of the members appointed by the profession (chamber) and is determined already at the appointment of the jury. The president has slightly more duties than ordinary members. He conducts evaluation sessions (after submission of entries) and organises the work of members. He shall also propose and manage an evaluation method in accordance with the rules of good competition practice. He signs the minutes or evaluation log and other documents. He represents the jury externally (media, complaints, etc.).

Related Terms and Links


pregled in potrditev razpisne dokumentacije


Razpisno dokumentacijo pripravi naročnik, organizator natečaja (npr. ZAPS) mu običajno pri tem pomaga s pripravo A _ natečajnih pogojev. Ocenjevalna komisija (žirija) na svoji prvi seji pregleda celotno razpisno dokumentacijo in jo potrdi. V primeru, da predlaga dopolnitve, gradivo potrdi naknadno, običajno preko spletne pošte. Kadar natečaj organizira ZAPS, se še pred prvo sejo izvede dodatni notranji pregled B _ natečajne naloge, C _ podlog in D _ prilog, da je razpisna dokumentacija za prvo sejo pripravljena čim bolj kvalitetno in skladno s standardom ZAPS.

Related Terms and Links

dokumentacija za razpis natečaja

Review and confirmation of the competition documentation (EN)


Competition documentation is prepared by the client, and the competition organiser (e.g. ZAPS) usually assists them in this by preparing A_ Competition Rules. At its first meeting, the jury reviews all competition tender documentation and approves it. In case they propose amendments, they confirm the material subsequently, usually via e-mail. When the competition is organised by ZAPS, an additional internal review of B _ Competition Brief, C _ Competition Basis and D_ Competition Appendices is carried out before the first meeting, so that the competition documentation for the first session is prepared as well as possible and in accordance with the ZAPS standard.

Related Terms and Links

Competition documentation



Prevzem razpisne dokumentacije za natečaj je praviloma brezplačen. Gradivo je mogoče prevzeti na spletni strani naročnika ali organizatorja. Predhodna prijava praviloma ni potrebna.

Application (EN)


As a rule, competition documents are available free of charge. The material can be collected on the website of the client or organizer. As a rule, no prior notification is required.

priporočila ocenjevalne komisije


Ocenjevalna komisija (žirija) lahko prejemnikom nagrad, ki se potegujejo za storitev projektiranja, poda priporočila za nadaljnje projektiranje. Priporočila komisije so za natečajnike obvezujoča.

Related Terms and Links

objava rezultatov natečajazaključno poročilo ocenjevalne komisije

Recommendations of the jury (EN)


The jury may make design recommendations to prize recipients competing for the design service. The jury's recommendations are binding for competitors.

Related Terms and Links

Publication of the competition resultsReport of the jury

privatni naročnik


Privatni naročniki so zavezani za izvedbo natečaja, kadar je tako opredeljeno v prostorskih aktih. Sicer privatni naročniki natečaje izvajajo prostovoljno. Upoštevanje določil Pravilnika o natečajih je zaželeno, kadar gre za prostovoljni natečaj, in obvezno, kadar gre za natečaj, ki ga zahteva prostorski akt.

Related Terms and Links

naročniksodelujoči pri natečajujavni naročniknaročnik - uporabnik

Private client (EN)


Private contracting authorities – private clients are obliged to conduct a competition when defined in spatial documents. Otherwise, private clients conduct competitions voluntarily. Compliance with the provisions of the Rules on competitions is desirable when it comes to a voluntary competition and is obligatory in the case of a competition required by a spatial planning act.

Related Terms and Links

ClientEntities participating in the competitionPublic clientClient - user



Priznanje predstavlja priznanje natečajnikom, ki so predložili ožje uvrščene natečajne elaborate oz. elaborate, ki zaradi svoje izvirnosti ali odličnosti posameznih elementov rešitve pomenijo pomemben doprinos k razvoju stroke. Priznanja se lahko podelijo tudi rešitvam, ki kot celota niso primerne za realizacijo, vendar v izbranih segmentih izstopajo v strokovni odličnosti.

Related Terms and Links

nagradno odškodninski sklad

Award (EN)


The award is a recognition to competitors who have submitted short-ranked competition entries or entries which, due to their originality or excellence of individual elements of the solution, represent an important contribution to the development of the profession. Awards can also be given to solutions that as a whole are not suitable for realization, but stand out in selected segments for professional excellence.

Related Terms and Links

Prize and compensation fund

projektni natečaj


Projektni natečaj je natečaj, pri katerem se izbere najboljša projektna rešitev in v nadaljevanju tudi izdelovalec projektne dokumentacije. Rezultat projektnega natečaja je lahko: izdelava načrtov prostorske ureditve (npr. OPPN), izdelava projektne dokumentacije za izgradnjo objekta ali izdelava načrtov za izvedbo drugih predmetov (npr. tehnološke naprave in oprema, industrijsko oblikovanje, urbana oprema itd.). Projektni natečaj je največkrat uporabljena oblika natečaja, saj gredo javni naročniki na podlagi njegovih rezultatov lahko v neposredni proces naročanja projektne dokumentacije.

Related Terms and Links


Project competition (EN)


A project competition is a competition in which the best project solution is selected and subsequently also the manufacturer of project documentation. The results of the project competition can be: preparation of spatial planning plans (e.g. municipal zoning plans), preparation of project documentation for the construction of the facility or preparation of plans for the implementation of other objects (e.g. technological devices and equipment, industrial design, urban equipment, etc.). A project competition is the most widely used form of competition, as its results allow contracting authorities to go into a direct process of procuring project documents.

Related Terms and Links


Currently there are no entries with this letter.

razlika med merili za ocenjevanje in obveznimi pogoji


Pogoji predhodnega in naknadnega preizkusa (npr. pravočasnost prispetja, anonimnost, reference, vpis v imenik zbornice, konflikt interesov itn.) so izključitveni element, kar pomeni, da če niso izpolnjeni, se natečajnika avtomatično izključi. Izločitveni pogoji so administrativne narave in jih lahko preverja tudi pravnik brez prisotnosti žirije. O vsem ostalem (povezanem z nalogo, vsebino problema in stroko je navedeno v dokumentaciji za razpis natečaja) presoja ocenjevalna komisija v skladu z merili za ocenjevanje, kot so opredeljeni v natečajnih pogojih. Neupoštevanje vsebinskih usmeritev iz razpisne dokumentacije (npr. natančno sledenje predpisanim površinam v katalogu prostorov, predlog delitve programa po etažah, predvideni odmiki od parcel) ni avtomatski izključitveni element, ampak je stvar strokovne presoje ocenjevalne komisije. Komisija je tista, ki presodi, ali je odstopanje strokovno upravičeno ali ne. Če ni, taka rešitev v procesu ocenjevanja zaradi vsebinske neustreznosti hitro odpade. Če se s spreminjanjem postavljenih vsebinskih zahtev naročniku kot celota ponudi boljšo in bolj inovativno rešitev, katere kvaliteto in odličnost lahko strokovno utemelji žirija v svojem zaključnem poročilu, potem taka rešitev lahko tudi zmaga. Pravilnik o natečajih formalno predpisuje, da mora vsak natečaj navesti formalne zahteve za sodelovanje natečajnikov na natečaju in merila za ocenjevanje elaboratov.

Related Terms and Links

merila za ocenjevanje

Difference between criteria for evaluation and compulsory conditions (EN)


The conditions of the preliminary and subsequent tests (e.g. timeliness of arrival, anonymity, references, chamber registration, conflict of interest, etc.) are an exclusion element, i.e. if they are not met, the applicant is automatically excluded. This exclusion conditions are of an administrative nature and can also be checked by a lawyer in the absence of a jury. Everything else (related to the brief, the problem, the profession, and indicated in the competition brief) is evaluated by the jury in accordance with the evaluation criteria as defined in the competition rules. Failure to comply with the content guidelines from the competition documentation (e.g. precise tracking of the prescribed areas in the catalogue of premises, proposal to divide the programme by floor, planned deviations from pitches) is not an automatic exclusion element, but is a matter of expert judgement of the jury. It is for the jury to assess whether or not a derogation is technically justified. If it is not, such a solution quickly falls off in the evaluation process due to substantive inadequacy. If by changing the set content requirements, the client is offered a better and more innovative solution, the quality and excellence of which can be professionally justified by the jury in its final report, then such a solution can also win. The Rules on competitions formally stipulate that each competition must specify the formal requirements for the participation of competitors and the criteria for evaluating the reports.

Related Terms and Links

Evaluation criteria

razstava natečajnih elaboratov


Po pravnomočnosti rezultatov natečaja se izvede razstava natečajnih elaboratov. Razstava je običajno organizirana v občini predmeta natečaja. Na razstavi so prikazani vsi elaborati, ki so bili sprejeti v ocenjevanje. Razstavlja se izbor plakatov, ki jih je oddal natečajnik kot del svojega elaborata. Razstava je priložnost za javno promocijo projekta in ozaveščanje javnosti o pomenu natečaja. ZAPS na svoji spletni strani arhivira vse elaborate vseh natečajev v organizaciji ZAPS.

Exhibition of competition entries (EN)


After the results of the competition have become final, an exhibition of competition entires is held. The exhibition is usually organized in the municipality of the subject matter of the competition. The exhibition presents all the entries that have been accepted for evaluation. A selection of posters submitted by each competitor is exhibited. The exhibition is an opportunity to publicly promote the project and raise public awareness of the importance of the competition. ZAPS archives on its website all entries of all competitions organized by ZAPS.



Pri zahtevnejših projektih so včasih kot eden od pogojev v natečaju zahtevane tudi reference. Praviloma se jih preverja v okviru naknadnega preizkusa, ko je vrstni red elaboratov določen in se razkrije anonimnost. Reference se v takem primeru preverja samo za prejemnike nagrad, saj se le ti lahko potegujejo za pridobitev posla projektiranja (velja za natečaje, ki potekajo v skladu z Zakonom o javnih naročilih). V primeru specifičnih programskih zahtev in manjšega števila usposobljenih projektantov se lahko reference preverja tudi v prvi fazi (ali predfazi) natečaja. V takem primeru zaradi zagotavljanja anonimnosti reference preverja strokovna komisija, v kateri ni članov ali sodelavcev ocenjevalne komisije. Neizpolnjevanje referenc pomeni avtomatično izločitev elaborata iz ocenjevanja (predhodni preizkus) ali izločitev z izgubo nagrade (naknadni preizkus).

Related Terms and Links

predhodni in naknadni preizkus

References (EN)


For more demanding projects, references are sometimes required as one of the conditions in the competition. As a rule, they are checked as part of a subsequent test, when the order of the entries has been determined and anonymity is revealed. References in such a case are only checked for prize recipients, as they can compete for the design business (applies to competitions held in accordance with the Public Procurement Act). In the case of specific programme requirements and a small number of qualified designers, references may also be checked in the first phase (or pre-phase) of the competition. In such a case, in order to ensure the anonymity of the competitor, the expert committee, in which there are no members or helpers of the jury, shall verify the references. Failure to meet the references means the automatic exclusion of the entry from the evaluation (preliminary test) or exclusion by loss of the prize (subsequent test).

Related Terms and Links

Preliminary and subsequent test

registracija gosp. subjekta - projektanta


Gospodarski subjekt mora imeti poslovni sedež v EU, EGP, Švici ali državi pogodbenici in mora biti registriran za dejavnost projektiranja ter izpolnjevati nacionalne pogoje za opravljanje arhitekturne dejavnosti.

Related Terms and Links

predhodni in naknadni preizkus

Registration of business entity - Designer (EN)


The business entity must have its head office in the EU, EEA, Switzerland, or in a contracting state, must be registered for the design activity, and must fulfil the national conditions for performing the architectural activity.

Related Terms and Links

Preliminary and subsequent test



Revizija je inštitut pravnega varstva, kadar se natečajnik ne strinja z razpisom natečaja ali z rezultati natečaja. Po poteka roka za vložitev revizije na rezultate je vrstni red prejemnikov nagrad in priznanj pravnomočen.

Related Terms and Links

objava rezultatov natečaja

Revision (EN)


A revison is an institute of legal protection when a competitor does not agree with a competition notice or with the results of a competition. After the deadline for filing a revision on the results, the order of recipients of prizes and awards shall have the force of res judicata.

Related Terms and Links

Publication of the competition results

rok za oddajo elaboratov


Pravočasnost prispetja rešitve je eden od natečajnih pogojev. Če elaborat ni oddan pravočasno ni pripuščen v ocenjevanje. Rok za oddajo rešitev je v primeru projektnega natečaja najmanj 60 dni, v primeru idejnega natečaja pa 30 dni po objavi (Pravilnik o javnih natečajih, 46. člen). Rok za oddajo se lahko tudi podaljša posebej, če se po objavi natečaja pojavijo nova dejstva ali dopolnijo zahteve. Rok za oddajo makete je praviloma en teden daljši od roka za oddajo ostalega gradiva.

Related Terms and Links

oddaja elaboratov

Submission deadline (EN)


The timeliness of the arrival of the solution is one of the competition conditions. If the study is not submitted in time, it shall not be admitted for evaluation. The deadline for submitting solutions is at least 60 days in the case of project competitions, and 30 days in the case of idea competitions (Rules on open competitions, Article 46). The submission deadline may also be extended if, following publication of the competition, new facts arise or requests are supplemented. As a rule, the deadline for submitting the model is one week longer than the deadline for submitting other material.

Related Terms and Links

Submission of competition entries



Zaradi zagotavljanja anonimnosti morajo biti vsi natečajnikovi deli, ki jih oddaja natečajnik (paket, plakati, mape, kuverte in vse strani dokumentov v kuvertah ter drugi ločeni deli) šifrirani, kar pomeni, da so označeni z isto šifro, ki jo izbere sam natečajnik. Šifra mora biti sestavljena iz latinskih črk in arabskih številk ter ne sme razkrivati identitete natečajnika.

Related Terms and Links

načelo anonimnosti natečajnikov

coding (EN)


In order to ensure anonymity, all parts of the entry submitted by the competitor (package, posters, folders, envelopes and all pages of documents in envelopes, and other separate parts) must be encrypted, i.e. they are identified by the same code chosen by the competition himself. The code must consist of Latin letters and Arabic numerals and should not reveal the identity of the competitor.

Related Terms and Links

Principle of anonimity of competitors

sklep o začetku natečaja


Kadar natečaj poteka kot del javnega naročila, mora naročnik v skladu s 66. členom Zakona o javnem naročanju pred začetkom sprejeti sklep o začetku postopka, v katerem definira vrsto postopka, ocenjeno vrednost in način zagotavljanja finančnih sredstev za izvedbo natečaja.

Related Terms and Links

Zakon o javnem naročanju

Decision on the start of the competition (EN)


In accordance with Article 66 of the Public Procurement Act, when a competition takes place as part of a public procurement, the contracting authority must adopt a decision (Statement) to initiate the procedure before launching the procedure, defining the type of procedure, the estimated value and the method of providing financial resources for the implementation of the competition.

Related Terms and Links

Public Procurement Law (PPA)



Sklepčnost pomeni, da je na seji zagotovljena večina članov (navadna sklepčnost) ali vsi člani (polna sklepčnost). Na običajnih sejah je zahtevana navadna sklepčnost, torej večina članov (npr. trije od petčlanske ocenjevalne komisije). Na zaključni ocenjevalni seji, kjer se sprejemajo odločitve o nagradah in zmagovalcih, se zahteva polna sklepčnost. Če kateri od članov manjka, ga lahko nadomesti namestnik, ki v tem primeru glasuje kot redni član. Namestnik članov naročnika lahko nadomesti samo naročnikove člane, namestnik članov zbornice pa le člane zbornice. Na tehničnih sejah (predhodni preizkus, naknadni preizkus) se zahteva tehnična sklepčnost (prisotnost vsaj dveh članov – enega člana naročnika in enega člana zbornice).

Related Terms and Links


Quorum (EN)


Quorum means that a majority of members (ordinary quorum) or all members (full quorum) are present at the meeting. A simple quorum is required at ordinary meetings, i.e. a majority of members (e.g. three out of a five -member jury). A full quorum is required at the final evaluation session, where decisions are made on prizes and awards. If any member is missing, he or she may be replaced by a deputy, in which case he shall vote as a regular member. The deputy members of the client may replace only the client's members and the same goes for deputy members of chamber. At technical sessions (preliminary test, subsequent test), a technical quorum is required (presence of at least two members – one member of the client and one member of the chamber).

Related Terms and Links


skrbnik natečaja


Skrbnik natečaja je oseba, ki skrbi za formalnopravno korektnost poteka natečaja ter pozna natečajna pravila in postopke in ima z njimi izkušnje. Skrbnik sklicuje seje, koordinira natečajno fazo, v kateri se postavljajo vprašanja in pripravljajo odgovori, pomaga predsedniku pri vodenju sej, piše zapisnike sej, opozarja ocenjevalno komisijo v primeru postopkovnih nepravilnosti, koordinira in vodi pisanje zaključnega poročila in obvestila o izidu ter sodeluje pri organizaciji in izvedbi razstave. Skrbnik ne ocenjuje natečajnih elaboratov in nima glasovalne pravice. Imenuje ga organizator natečaja v dogovoru z naročnikom.

Related Terms and Links

sodelavci ocenjevalne komisije - žirijeocenjevalna komisija (žirija)

Competition administrator (EN)


The competition administrator is a person who ensures the formal correctness of the competition and knows and has experience with the competition rules and procedures. The administrator convenes meetings, coordinates the competition phase during which questions are asked and answers are prepared, assists the president in conducting meetings, writes minutes of meetings, reminds the jury in the event of procedural irregularities, coordinates and manages the writing of the Final report and Notice of results, and participates in the organization of the exhibition. The competition administrator does not evaluate the competition entries and does not have the right to vote. He is appointed by the competition organizer in agreement with the client.

Related Terms and Links

Helpers of the juryJury

sodelavci ocenjevalne komisije - žirije


Sodelavci ocenjevalne komisije so poročevalci, izvedenci in skrbnik. Imenuje jih organizator natečaja v sodelovanju z naročnikom.

Related Terms and Links

poročevalec ocenjevalne komisije (žirije)strokovni izvedenec ocenjevalne komisije (žirije)skrbnik natečajaocenjevalna komisija (žirija)

Helpers of the jury (EN)


The jury's staff or helpers are rapporteurs, expert helpers (experts) and competition administrator. They are appointed by the competition organiser in cooperation with the client.

Related Terms and Links

Rapporteur of the juryExpert helper of the juryCompetition administratorJury

sodelavec avtorja


Avtorjem pri izdelavi elaborata pomagajo različni sodelavci. Bistvena razlika med avtorji in sodelavci je, da sodelavci nimajo avtorskih pravic na izdelani natečajni rešitvi. Običajno imajo sodelavci specialna tehnična znanja (npr. statika, požar, inštalacije, promet, tehnologija) ali pa so zgolj sodelavci tima (npr. izdelovalci renderjev, maket, tehnični risarji). Pri zahtevnih problemih je lahko sodelovanje izbranega strokovnjaka v natečajni skupini zahtevano tudi kot pogoj ali kot priporočilo. Isti strokovnjak lahko sodeluje z več natečajnimi skupinami, vendar le, če ni naveden kot avtor. Avtorji lahko namreč sodelujejo le v eni natečajni skupini naenkrat.

Related Terms and Links

natečajnikiavtorske praviceavtor

Author's collaborator (EN)


The authors are assisted in the preparation of the entry by various colleagues. The essential difference between authors and other contributors is that other contributors do not own the copyright to the created competition solution. Expert contributors usually have special technical skills (e.g. statics, fire, installations, traffic, technology) other contributors are team helpers (e.g. for renders, models, technical drawings). In the case of complex problems, the participation of an expert in the competition team may also be required as a condition or as a recommendation. The same expert may work with several competition teams, but only if he is not listed as the author. Authors can only participate in one competition team at a time.

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sodelovanje v samo eni avtorski skupini


Osebe natečajnika, ki so navedene kot avtorji, lahko sodelujejo le v eni avtorski skupini. Gospodarski subjekt – projektant lahko odda samo eno ponudbo in lahko sodeluje v sestavi le enega natečajnika. Druge sodelujoče osebe, strokovni sodelavci in konzultanti (npr. gradbene konstrukcije, instalacije, izvedenci za posamezna področja) ter podizvajalci gospodarskih subjektov ponudnikov lahko sodelujejo z več natečajniki.

Related Terms and Links

predhodni in naknadni preizkus

Participation in only one author team (EN)


Persons listed as authors may participate in only one competition – author team. Business entity - designer can submit only one competition entry and can participate in only one competition team. Other participants, experts and consultants (e.g. construction structures, installations, special field experts) and subcontractors of business entities may cooperate with several competition teams.

Related Terms and Links

Preliminary and subsequent test

sodelujoči pri natečaju


Pri izvedbi natečaja sodeluje več različnih udeležencev: naročnik, organizator in/ali izvajalec natečaja, ocenjevalna komisija, sodelavci ocenjevalne komisije in natečajniki. Včasih v procesu natečaja sodeluje tudi končni uporabnik objekta in strokovna komisija naročnika za pravna vprašanja.

Related Terms and Links

naročnikorganizator natečajaocenjevalna komisija (žirija)sodelavci ocenjevalne komisije - žirijestrokovna komisija naročnikanatečajniki

Entities participating in the competition (EN)


Several different participants participate in the implementation of the competition: the client, organiser and/or competition provider, the evaluation committee (jury), the jury helpers, and the competitors. Sometimes the end user of the facility and the client's expert committee for legal issues also participate in the competition process.

Related Terms and Links

ClientCompetition organiserJuryHelpers of the juryClient's special committeeCompetitors

spremljajoča ponudbena dokumentacija


Spremljajoča ponudbena dokumentacija je sestavljena iz dokumentov in dokazil, katerih obseg in zahtevana oblika je opredeljena v A_natečajnih pogojih (npr. kontakt, avtor, informativna ponudba, reference ipd.).

Related Terms and Links

spremljajoča ponudbena dokumentacija

Accompanying tender documentation (EN)


The accompanying tender documentation consists of documents and supporting documents. Its scope and form required is defined in A_ competition rules (e.g. contact, author, informative offer, references, etc.).

Related Terms and Links

Accompanying tender documentation

strokovna komisija naročnika


Strokovna komisija pomeni komisijo naročnika za izvedbo postopka javnega naročila (ZJN-3, 66. člen). Običajno je sestavljena iz pravnih strokovnjakov. Strokovna komisija je v primeru natečaja imenovana samo na izrecno zahtevo naročnika, kadar ta želi dodatno nadzorovati skladnost postopka z Zakonom o javnih naročilih.

Client's special committee (EN)


Expert committee means the committee of the client for the implementation of the public procurement procedure (ZJN-3, Article 66). It usually consists of legal professionals. In the event of a competition, the expert committee is appointed only at the explicit request of the client, when he wishes to further monitor the compliance of the procedure with the Public Procurement Act.

strokovni izvedenec ocenjevalne komisije (žirije)


Izvedenec nudi strokovno pomoč ocenjevalni komisiji med ocenjevanjem elaboratov. Izvedencev je lahko več, vsak za svoje specifično strokovno področje, na primer: kulturna dediščina, varstvo narave, varstvo voda, specialna tehnologija, ocena investicije, požar itd. Izvedenec pripravi pisno poročilo za vse ali samo izbrane elaborate, pri ocenjevanju je prisoten na poziv ocenjevalne komisije, vendar nima glasovalne pravice. Izvedenec mora biti ustrezno strokovno usposobljen, imeti mora ustrezne delovne izkušnje in poznati mora predpise s svojega področja. Izvedence imenuje organizator natečaja v dogovoru z naročnikom.

Related Terms and Links

sodelavci ocenjevalne komisije - žirijeocenjevalna komisija (žirija)

Expert helper of the jury (EN)


The expert helper (expert) provides expert assistance to the jury during the evaluation of the entries. There may be several experts, each for its own specific area of expertise, e.g. cultural heritage, nature conservation, water protection, special technology, investment assessment, fire, etc. The expert prepares a written entry for all or only the selected entries and is present at jury sessions when invited but does not have the right to vote. The expert must have appropriate professional training, appropriate professional experience and knowledge of regulations in his field. The experts are appointed by the competition organiser in agreement with the client.

Related Terms and Links

Helpers of the juryJury

stroški natečaja


Stroške natečaja sestavljajo stroški nagradno odškodninskega sklada, stroški ocenjevalne komisije in sodelavcev ter stroški organizacije in izvedbe natečaja. Strošek nagradnega sklada je sestavljen iz stroška za nagrade, stroška za priznanja in eventualno stroška za odškodnine. Pravilniku o natečajih mora znašati najmanj 50 % celotnih stroškov natečaja. Strošek ocenjevalne komisije in sodelavcev je sestavljen iz stroška za predsednika, podpredsednika, člane in namestnike članov ter iz stroška za sodelavce: poročevalce, izvedence in skrbnika. Ta strošek skladno s Pravilnikom znaša 20– 30 % celotnih stroškov natečaja. Drugi stroški lahko znašajo največ 20 – 30 % skupnih stroškov in obsegajo med drugim stroške organizacije in izvedbe natečaja ter izvedbo natečajne razstave.

Competition costs (EN)


The costs of the competition consist of the costs of the prize compensation fund, the costs of the jury and staff, and the costs of organising and implementing the competition. The cost of the prize fund consists of the cost of prizes, the cost of awards and, possibly, the cost of compensation. The Regulations governing competitions must amount to at least 50% of the total cost of the competition. The cost of the jury and staff consists of the costs for the chair, vice-president, members and deputy members, as well as staff costs: rapporteurs, expert rapporteurs and administrator. In accordance with the Rules, this cost amounts to 20 – 30% of the total cost of the competition. The other costs may amount to a maximum of 20-30% of the total costs and include, inter alia, the costs of organising and implementing the competition and holding a competition exhibition.

Currently there are no entries with this letter.

udeležba ali sodelovanje na natečaju


Sodelovanje naročnikov natečajev s strokovno zbornico arhitektov ali inženirjev (v odvisnosti od predmeta natečaja) je zaželeno in nanj napotuje tudi Pravilnik o natečajih. Zbornica tekom sodelovanja skrbi za uveljavitev strokovnih načel skozi vse faze izvedbe natečaja.

Related Terms and Links

kriteriji za sodelovanjenačela izvedbe natečajev

Cooperation (EN)


The participation of contracting authorities with the professional chamber of architects or engineers (depending on the subject matter of the competition) is desirable and refers to the Rules on competitions. During its cooperation, the Chamber ensures the implementation of professional principles throughout all phases of the competition.

Related Terms and Links

Cooperation criteriaPrinciples of conducting competitions

urbanistični natečaj


Urbanistični natečaj je natečaj, katerega glavni predmet je urbanistična ureditev večjega območja ali mestnega predela.

Related Terms and Links


Urban planning competition (EN)


An urban planning competition is a competition whose main subject is the urban planning of a larger area or city area.

Related Terms and Links


ustanovitev ocenjevane komisije (žirije)


Žirija je formalno imenovana s posebnim dokumentom, t.i. sklepom naročnika, ki ga podpiše odgovorna oseba naročnika, in sicer pred 1. sejo žirije. Naročnik v sklepu imenuje svoje člane in namestnike ter potrdi člane in namestnike, imenovane s strani zbornice, če izvaja natečaj v sodelovanju s pristojno zbornico.

Related Terms and Links

ocenjevalna komisija (žirija)

Constitution of the jury (EN)


The jury is formally appointed with a special document, i.e. by the client's decision, which is signed by the responsible person of the client, before the 1st jury session. In the decision, the client appoints its members and deputies and confirms the members and deputies appointed by the chamber, if it conducts the competition in cooperation with the competent chamber.

Related Terms and Links


vabljeni natečaj


Vabljeni natečaj je skladno s Pravilnikom o javnih natečajih, ki so mu zavezani javni naročniki, javni natečaj, pri katerem lahko natečajne elaborate predložijo le tiste pravne in fizične osebe, ki jih naročnik javnega natečaja povabi k oddaji natečajnih elaboratov po predhodno priznani sposobnosti. Vabljeni natečaj lahko javni naročnik uporabi samo v omejenih primerih (vrednost investicije ne presega mejne vrednosti za objavo v Uradnem listu Evropske skupnosti ali v primeru specifičnega programa, ki zahteva zelo specialna znanja). Prva faza vabljenega javnega natečaja je preverjanje usposobljenosti (predkvalifikacija) natečajnikov. V fazi, ki sledi, izbrani (kvalificirani) natečajniki izdelujejo natečajne rešitve. Predkvalifikacijo izvaja posebej imenovana strokovna komisija (ne žirija), tako da člani žirije niso seznanjeni z imeni sodelujočih v drugi fazi. V vabljenem natečaju, ki ga izvaja privatni naročnik, ki ni zavezan Pravilniku o javnih natečajih, so k oddaji natečajnih rešitev vabljeni izključno natečajniki po izboru naročnika.

Related Terms and Links


Competition by invitation (EN)


In accordance with the Rules on public competitions, to which public clients are bound, the invited competition is a public competition in which the entries can be submitted only by those legal and natural persons who have been invited by the client after their ability has been established. An invited competition may be used by the public client only in limited cases (the value of the investment does not exceed the threshold for publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities or a specific programme requiring very special skills). The first phase of an invited open competition is the qualification (pre-qualification) of the competitors. In the subsequent phase, the selected (qualified) candidates produce competition solutions. Pre-qualification is carried out by a specially appointed expert panel (not a jury) so that the jury members are not familiar with the names of participants in the second phase. In an invited competition conducted by a private client that is not bound by the Rules on Public Competitions, only competitors chosen by the client are invited to submit their competition solutions.

Related Terms and Links


vodeni ogled lokacije in kolokvij


Kolokvij predstavlja možnost za organizirano izmenjavo informacij v živo med naročnikom in natečajniki v času izdelave natečajnih rešitev. Običajno je organiziran hkrati z ogledom lokacije ali ko gre za kompleksen program ali lokacijo, ki natečajnikom sicer ni prosto dostopna (npr. laboratoriji, zakulisje gledališča ipd.). Na kolokviju natečajniki naročniku zastavljajo vprašanja v zvezi z natečajem. Vsa vprašanja in odgovori se zabeležijo ter se naknadno objavijo na portalu ali spletni strani natečaja, da so enakovredno dostopni vsem. Udeležba na kolokviju ni obvezna.

Related Terms and Links

komunikacija med naročnikom in natečajniki

Guided site visit and Colloquium (EN)


The colloquium represents an opportunity for an organized exchange of live information between the client and the competitors during the preparation of the competition solutions. It is usually organised at the same time as the tour of the site, or when it is about a complex programme or location that is otherwise not freely accessible to competitors (e.g. laboratories, behind the scenes of theatre, etc.). At the colloquium, competitors ask the client questions regarding the competition. All questions and answers are recorded and subsequently published on the competition portal or website to be equally accessible to all. Participation in the colloquium is optional.

Related Terms and Links

Communication between the client and competitors

vodja projektiranja


Vodja projektiranja vodi izdelavo projektne dokumentacije ter poskrbi za celovitost in usklajenost njenih delov z medsebojno koordinacijo pooblaščenih in drugih strokovnjakov (Gradbeni zakon, 14. člen).

Related Terms and Links


Design manager (EN)


The design manager manages the preparation of project documentation and ensures the integrity and harmonization of its parts with the mutual coordination of authorized and other experts (Article 14 of Building Act).

Related Terms and Links


vpis v imenik (za vodjo projektiranja)


Vodja projektiranja mora biti avtor ali soavtor elaborata in mora biti pooblaščeni arhitekt, vpisan v imenik ZAPS.

Related Terms and Links

predhodni in naknadni preizkus

Compulsory chamber membership (for Design manager) (EN)


The design manager must be the author or co-author of the entry and must be authorized architect in the ZAPS directory.

Related Terms and Links

Preliminary and subsequent test

vprašanja in odgovori


Natečajniki komunicirajo z naročnikom in žirijo preko sistema vprašanj in odgovorov. Vprašanja se postavljajo anonimno, običajno na portalu javnih naročil ali portalu naročnika oziroma organizatorja. Naročnik in žirija morata odgovoriti na vsa pravilno in pravočasno postavljena vprašanja. Odgovore na vsebinska vprašanja pripravi naročnik v sodelovanju z izdelovalcem naloge, odgovore na formalna vprašanja pa organizator natečaja v sodelovanju z naročnikom. Vse odgovore pred objavo pregledajo in potrdijo člani žirije. Odgovori se objavijo v več sklopih javno na portalu tako, da so enakovredno dostopni vsem natečajnikom (načelo enakovrednega dostopa do informacij in načelo transparentnosti postopka). V okviru odgovorov se lahko gradivo tudi dopolni z dodatnimi vsebinami in gradivi. Če gre za bistveno dopolnitev vsebine, je običajno treba podaljšati tudi rok za oddajo rešitve.

Related Terms and Links

vsebinska vprašanjaformalna vprašanja

Questions and answers (EN)


The participants communicate with the client and the jury through a Q&A system. Questions are asked anonymously, usually on the public procurement portal or on the portal of the client or organiser. The client and the jury must answer all correct and timely questions. Answers to substantive questions are prepared by the client in cooperation with the author of the competition brief, while answers to formal questions are prepared by the competition organizer in cooperation with the client. All replies are reviewed before publication by jury members. Replies are published in several steps publicly on the portal in such a way that they are equally accessible to all competitors (principle of equal access to information and principle of transparency of the procedure). As part of the answers, the material may also be supplemented with additional content and materials. If there is a substantial addition to the content, the deadline for submitting solutions will normally also need to be extended.

Related Terms and Links

Content questionsFormal questions

vračanje natečajnih elaboratov


Natečajni elaborati, ki prejmejo nagrade in priznanja, se ne vračajo natečajniku. Naročnik obdrži mape, plakate, datoteke za objavo (format pdf, jpg) in morebitno maketo. ZAPS obdrži po en izvod digitalnega nosilca od vsakega elaborata za pregledni arhiv natečajev. Ostalo dokumentacijo lahko natečajniki v tridesetih dneh po zaključku razstave prevzamejo na ZAPS.

Return of competition entries (EN)


Competition entries which receive prizes and awards are not returned to the competitor. The client retains folders, posters, files for publication (pdf., jpg format) and any models. ZAPS retains one copy of the digital medium from each entry for archive. Other documentation can be picked up by the competitors at ZAPS within thirty days after the end of the exhibition.

vsebina plakatov in map


Vsebina plakatov in map je običajno predpisana v natečajnih pogojih. Obseg zahtev mora biti v skladu z zahtevnostjo naloge in višino nagradnega sklada. Obseg se mora omejiti na najmanjšo možno mero, ki je potrebna za ocenjevanje rešitev (Pravilnik o javnih natečajih, 38. člen). Pri projektnih arhitekturnih natečajih se običajno zahtevajo prikazi situacije, vseh etaž (M 1 : 200), tipični prerezi, fasade in ena obvezna vizualizacija. Urbanistični natečaji se rešujejo v M 1 : 500. Število plakatov je običajno omejeno. Zaradi sorazmernosti obremenitve natečajnikov je lahko v mape vključeno samo gradivo, ki je tudi na plakatih.

Related Terms and Links

dokumentacija, ki jo odda natečajnik - natečajno ponudbena dokumentacijanatečajni elaborat

Contents of posters and folders (EN)


The content of posters and folders is usually prescribed in the competition rules. The scope of the requirements must be in accordance with the complexity of the task and the amount of the prize pool. The scope must be limited to the minimum necessary to evaluate solutions (Article 38 of Rules on open competitions). Architectural project competitions usually require displays of the situation, all floors (M 1:200), typical cross-sections, facades and one mandatory visualisation. Urban planning competitions are resolved in M 1:500. The number of posters is usually limited. For reasons of proportionality of the load on competitors, only material which is also on posters may be included in folders.

Related Terms and Links

Documentation submitted by the competitor - Competition tender documentationCompetition entry

vsebinska vprašanja


Vsebinska vprašanja so vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na vsebine, opredeljene v delih dokumentacije označene z: B_natečajna naloga, C_natečajne podloge ali D_natečajne priloge.

Related Terms and Links

komunikacija med naročnikom in natečajnikivprašanja in odgovori

Content questions (EN)


Substantive questions are questions relating to the content defined in the parts of the competition documentation marked with: B_ competition brief, C_ competition bases or D_ competition appendices.

Related Terms and Links

Communication between the client and competitorsQuestions and answers

Currently there are no entries with this letter.

Currently there are no entries with this letter.

Currently there are no entries with this letter.

zaključno poročilo ocenjevalne komisije


Po določitvi zmagovalcev ocenjevalna komisija (žirija) pripravi zaključno poročilo, v katerem strokovno utemelji vrstni red elaboratov. V zaključnem poročilu so povzetki vseh sej, poročilo o poteku ocenjevanja in primerjalna ocean vseh elaboratov, sprejetih v ocenjevanje. Del zaključnega poročila so lahko tudi priporočila nagrajenim elaboratom za nadaljnje projektiranje. Zaključno poročilo pišejo strokovno usposobljeni člani ocenjevalne komisije in namestniki. Potrdijo in podpišejo ga vsi člani. Zaključno poročilo komisije je priloga dokumenta Obvestilo o izidu, s katerim naročnik formalno razglasi rezultate natečaja.

Related Terms and Links

objava rezultatov natečaja

Report of the jury (EN)


After determining the winners, the evaluation committee (jury) prepares a final report in which it explicitly substantiates the order of the entries. The final report contains summaries of all meetings, an evaluation progress report and a comparative evaluation of all the entries admitted for evaluation. Part of the final report may also include recommendations to the award-winning studies for further design. The final report shall be written by professionally qualified members of the jury and deputies. It shall be certified and signed by all members. The final report of the jury is an annex to the document Notice of Results, by which the client formally announces the results of the competition.

Related Terms and Links

Publication of the competition results

Zakon o javnem naročanju


Zakon o javnem naročanju določa pogoje za obveznost razpisa projektnega natečaja za javno naročilo storitve projektiranja novih objektov v javni rabi v naslednjih primerih: - za projektiranje objektov za šport, rekreacijo in drugih objektov za prosti čas klasifikacije CCSI 241, če ocenjena investicijska vrednost presega 500.000 evrov; - za projektiranje drugih objektov, če ocenjena investicijska vrednost presega 2.500.000 evrov; ter za javno naročilo storitve priprave strokovnih podlag za potrebe prostorskega načrtovanja v naslednjih primerih: - če se spreminja namenska raba območja, kadar površina načrtovane prostorske ureditve presega površino pet hektarjev; - če obvezno izvedbo projektnega natečaja določa prostorski akt.

Related Terms and Links

zakonodajni okvir natečajevmejne vrednosti

Public Procurement Law (PPA) (EN)


The Public Procurement Act lays down the conditions for the obligation to perform a design competition for a public contract for the design of new public facilities in the following cases:- for the design of sport, recreation and other leisure facilities of CCSI 241 if the estimated investment value exceeds EUR 500,000;- for the design of other facilities if the estimated investment value exceeds EUR 2,500,000; and for the public procurement of the service of preparation of professional bases for the purposes of spatial planning in the following cases:- if the intended use of the area is changed when the area of the planned spatial arrangement exceeds an area of five hectares;- if the obligatory implementation of the design competition is determined by the spatial plan.

Related Terms and Links

Legislative framework of competitionsThreshold value

zakonodajni okvir natečajev


Zakonodajni okvir natečajev se pojavlja v treh zakonih: Zakonu o javnem naročanju (ZJN-3), Zakonu o urejanju prostora (ZUREP-3) in Zakonu o graditvi (GZ-2). Zakon o javnem naročanju povzema splošna pravila za natečaje, kot so določeni v Direktivi o javnem naročanju, in dodatno določa, v katerih primerih je naročnik obvezan razpisati projektni natečaj. Zakon o urejanju prostora določa podrobnejša merila za obveznost razpisa natečaja ter pravila za alternativne oblike natečaja, kot so: idejni natečaj, postopek izbora najustreznejše variantne rešitve ali izvedba urbanistično-arhitekturne delavnice. Pravilnik o javnih natečajih določa postopkovne in vsebinske zahteve za izvajanje natečajev.

Related Terms and Links

obveznost izvedbe natečajevZakon o javnem naročanjuPravilnik o javnih natečajih

Legislative framework of competitions (EN)


The legislative framework of competitions appears in three laws: the Public Procurement Act (ZJN-3), the Spatial Planning Act (ZUREP-3) and the Building Act (GZ-2). The Public Procurement Act takes over the general rules for design competitions as laid down in the Public Procurement Directive and further specifies in which cases a contracting authority is obliged to open a design contest. The Spatial Planning Act defines more detailed criteria for the obligation to announce a competition and rules for alternative forms of competition, such as: a conceptual competition, a procedure for selecting the most appropriate variant solution or the implementation of an urban and architectural workshop. The rules governing open competitions lay down the procedural and substantive requirements for the conduct of design competitions.

Related Terms and Links

Obligation to conduct competitionsPublic Procurement Law (PPA)The rules on competitions

Zbornica za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije (ZAPS)


Zbornica za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije je oseba javnega prava, ustanovljena z zakonom, s ciljem zagotavljanja strokovnosti in varovanja javnega interesa na področju urejanja prostora in graditve objektov ter varstva tretjih oseb. Zbornica izvaja cilje ustanovitve kot poklicno zastopstvo stanovskih interesov, za svoje področje spremlja in obravnava problematiko dela pooblaščenih arhitektov, krajinskih arhitektov in prostorskih načrtovalcev, določa strokovna načela na področju prostorskega načrtovanja in graditve objektov, spodbuja in zastopa poklicne, socialne in gospodarske interese pooblaščenih strokovnjakov ter jim svetuje, skrbi za skladen razvoj stroke in varstvo stanovskega ugleda, sprejema kodeks, nadzoruje izpolnjevanje njihovih poklicnih dolžnosti in opravlja druge z zakonom in statutom določene naloge.

Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia (ZAPS) (EN)


The Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia is a body governed by public law and established by law with the aim of ensuring professionalism and protection of the public interest in the field of spatial planning and building construction, as well as the protection of third parties. The Chamber implements the objectives of the establishment as a professional representation of professional interests, monitors and discusses the problems of the work of authorized architects, landscape architects and spatial planners, defines professional principles in the field of spatial planning and building construction, promotes and represents the professional, social and economic interests of authorised experts and advises them, ensures harmonious development of the profession and protection of professional reputation, adopts the Code, supervises the fulfilment of their professional duties and performs other tasks provided for by law and the Statute.

zmagovalec – prejemnik nagrade


Zmagovalec je natečajnik oz. gospodarski subjekt, prejemnik ene od razpisanih nagrad. V natečajnih pogojih je praviloma določeno, da se prejemnike nagrad vabi na pogajanja v zvezi z oddajo naročila storitve projektiranja v kaskadnem vrstnem redu. Torej najprej prejemnika prve nagrade; če pogajanja z njim ne uspejo, prejemnika druge nagrade in nazadnje prejemnika tretje nagrade. Kadar natečaj poteka v skladu z Zakonom o javnem naročanju, se lahko storitev projektiranja odda samo prejemniku nagrade (46. člen).

Related Terms and Links


Winner - the recipient of a prize (EN)


The winner is a competitor or business entity, the recipient of one of the announced prizes. As a general rule, the competition rules state that prize recipients are invited to negotiate the award of a design service contract in cascading order. So, first, the winner of the first prize, if negotiations with him fail, the winner of the second prize and, finally, the winner of the third prize. When a competition is conducted in accordance with the Public Procurement Act, the design service may only be awarded to the recipient of the prize (Article 46).

Related Terms and Links
