Future School for UKRAINE.jpeg, © Future School for Ukraine, Photographer: Future School for Ukraine

FUTURE SCHOOL FOR UKRAINE - Open Architectural Design Competition


Lithuania announces an open international architectural competition ”Future school for Ukraine”

On February 22, 2024, the Central Project Management Agency of Lithuania, in collaboration with the Architects Association of Lithuania, announced an international architectural competition to design the next-generation schools for Ukraine. Architects worldwide are invited to contribute to this impactful project. The initiative aims not only to rebuild the educational landscape of war-torn Ukraine but to transform it into a more resilient, safe, and forward-thinking environment.

For more information on how to participate, please follow this link - https://futureschoolforukraine.eu/

The competition will award the three top projects with prizes ranging from €8,000 to €12,000. The winner will be offered a contract worth €300,000 to develop an adaptive school project design. A team entering the competition will be required to have at least one architect with the right to practice in Ukraine and at least one architect with the right to practice outside Ukraine.

Projects must be submitted by 23rd May, 10:00 AM (GMT+2).

The jury for the competition includes esteemed international architects such as Carl Backstrand from Sweden, Helena Sandman from Finland, Rolandas Palekas, Viktorija Blažienė from Lithuania, along with Viktor Zotov from Ukraine. Among other jury members are education specialists from Ukraine, representatives of Lithuanian CPMA, and the head of Ukraine’s Agency for Restoration, emphasizing a collaborative effort towards Ukraine's recovery.

The project was initiated by the Lithuanian government in partnership with Ukraine’s Agency for Restoration, and with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The Lithuanian Fund for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid allocated €500,000 for the project. It is implemented by the Lithuanian Central Project Management Agency (CPVA).

The video with the address from the competition jury can be found in this link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWzCktDa6q0.

Please note: The Arch-E Network provides the possibility to connect with professionals in architecture in the EU, the Ukraine and other countries. This can help you to form transnational teams and working groups to participate and cooperate in the “Future school for Ukraine” and other architectural design competitions. Register to get involved and to become part of the network. Here is the link for ARCH-E network - https://www.arch-e.eu/network


Future School for UKRAINE.jpeg, © Future School for Ukraine, Photographer: Future School for Ukraine
Future School for UKRAINE.jpeg